Video Converter - 5 Features to Look For
by: Tony McBride
If you happen to be shopping for a video converter, you are probably overwhelmed by the varieties of products that are available out there. There are so many choices of video converters to choose from that it's difficult to make a decision on which one to buy. To simplify your selection process, we came out with 5 essential features that you might want to look for when you are shopping for a video converter.
1) Support Multiple Input and Output Video Formats
The first thing you need to find out is if the video converter supports the input formats that you are converting from and the output formats that you are converting to. Some examples of popular video file formats are: ASF, AVI, MPEG, MP4, MKV, RM, WMV, FLV, 3GP, MOV, 3GP, 3GPP2. Make sure that the video converter you are purchasing supports these essential video file formats listed above.
If you need to capture sound in your video and convert it into an audio file, make sure that your video converter supports exporting to various audio formats. Some popular audio formats that you should look for are: AAC, AC3, MP3, OGG, RA, WAV, and WMA.
2) Allow Video Preview Before Conversion
Most video converters supports video previews before or during conversion. This feature allows you to view the video in a small preview window. There should be a little slider button that you can grab with your mouse to navigate to certain parts of your video. Do not purchase a video converter if it lacks this feature.
This feature is important so that you can select portions of the video that you want to convert and take snapshots (discussed in 2 features below).
3) Allow "Clipping" of Video Segments
Look for this feature if you need to "clip" certain segments of your video and leave out segments that you do not need to convert. You can clip your favorite segments by navigating to the starting frame and ending frame of the segment that you are interested in. The start time and end time will be displayed on the screen and you know exactly how long the segment is. The video converter should allow you to clip as many segments as you like.
4) Ability to Take Still Picture Snapshot
If you need to extract a picture from a video, make sure that your video converter supports this feature. You can simply grab the slider button on the preview window and slide it to the part of the video that you need to take a snapshot from. Once you find the still picture that you are interested in, simply click on the "snapshot" button to take a snapshot of the still picture. You will be prompted to name your picture file (most likely in BMP format) and save it a folder in your computer.
5) Support Batch Conversion
This is a time-saving feature that will come in handy when you have many video files to convert and you do not want to open every single one of them and convert them one by one. You can simply select all the video files in a folder that you want to convert, click on the "Convert" button, go make yourself a cup of coffee, and by the time you come back, hopefully all the files will be converted.
There are many other features that you need to look for in a video converter (for example, the speed of conversion, the quality of the converted videos, ease of use, etc), but we think the above features are the most essential ones to look for.
We have tried many different video converters in the market and we found one that performs exceptionally well and it has all the features above. It's called TOP Video Converter. It converts video files with blazing speed and it allows you to set the quality of the output video and audio files. It supports video files that play on popular devices like iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, etc.
Download a free trial version of TOP Video Converter now and give it a spin before you purchase it.
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Thursday, June 11, 2009
Cara-cara Perbaiki Komputer tanpa instal ulang
Cara-cara Perbaiki Komputer tanpa instal ulang
Ada beberapa cara yang berguna buat perbaiki komputer anda tanpa repot-repot menginstal ulang, caranya cukup mudah yaitu :
1. Memperbaiki Instalasi (Repair Install)
Jika Windows XP Anda rusak (corrupted) dimana Anda tidak mempunyai sistem operasi lain untuk booting,
Anda dapat melakukan perbaikan instalasi (Repair Install) yang bekerja sebagaimana setting (pengaturan)
yang awal.
- Pastikan Anda mempunyai kunci (key) Windows XP yang valid.
- Keseluruhan proses akan memakan waktu kurang lebih 1/2 atau 1 jam, tergantung spek komputer Anda.
- Jika Anda dimintai password administrator, sebaiknya Anda memilih opsi perbaikan (repair) yang kedua,
bukan yang pertama.
- Masukkan CD Windows XP Anda dan lakukan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Ketika sudah muncul opsi perbaikan kedua R=Repair, tekan tombol R
Ini akan memulai perbaikan.
- Tekan tombol F8 untuk menyetujui proses selanjutnya “I Agree at the Licensing Agreement”
- Tekan tombol R saat direktori tempat Windows XP Anda terinstal. Biasanya C:\WINDOWS
Selanjutnya akan dilakukan pengecekan drive C: dan mulai menyalin file-file.
Dan secara otomatis restart jika diperlukan. Biarkan CD Anda dalam drivenya.
- Berikutnya Anda akan melihat sebuah gambar “progress bar” yang merupakan bagian dari perbaikan,
dia nampak seperti instalasi XP normal biasanya, meliputi “Collecting Information, Dynamic Update,
Preparing Installation, Installing Windows, Finalizing Installation”.
- Ketika ditanya, klik tombol Next
- Ketika ditanya untuk memasukkan kunci, masukkan kunci (key) Windows XP Anda yang valid.
- Normalnya Anda menginginkan tetap berada dalam nama Domain atau Workgroup yang sama.
- Komputer akan restart.
- Kemudian Anda akan mempunyai layar yang sama sebagaimana pengaktifan sistem ketika instalasi normal.
- Register jika Anda menginginkannya (biasanya tidak diperlukan).
- Selesai
Sekarang Anda bisa log in dengan account Anda yang sudah ada.
2. NTOSKRNL Rusak atau Hilang (Missing or Corrupt)
Jika Anda mendapati pesan error bahwa “NTOSKRNL not found” / NTOSKRNL tak ditemukan, lakukan:
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Pindahlah ke drive CD Drive Anda berada.
- Ketik: CD i386
- Ketik: expand ntkrnlmp.ex_ C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe
- Jika Windows XP Anda terinstal di tempat lain, maka ubahlah sesuai dengan lokasinya.
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
3. HAL.DLL Rusak atau Hilang (Missing or Corrupt)
Jika Anda mendapatkan error berkenaan dengan rusak atau hilangnya file hal.dll, ada kemungkinan
file BOOT.INI mengalami salah konfigurasi (misconfigured).
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Ketik: bootcfg /list
Menampilkan isi/masukan pada file BOOT.INI saat ini
- Ketik: bootcfg /rebuild
Memperbaiki konfigurasi dari file BOOT.INI
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
4. Direktori \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG rusak atau hilang
Jika Anda mendapatkan error dengan tulisan:
“Windows could not start because the following files is missing or corrupt
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Masukkan password administrator jika diperlukan.
- Ketik: cd \windows\system32\config
- Berikutnya tergantung di bagian mana letak terjadinya kerusakan:
- Ketik: ren software software.rusak ATAU ren system system.rusak
- Berikutnya lagi juga tergantung di bagian mana letak terjadinya kerusakan:
- Ketik: copy \windows\repair\system
- Ketik: copy \windows\repair\software
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
5. NTLDR atau NTDETECT.COM tak ditemukan (NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM Not Found)
Jika Anda mendapati error bahwa NTLDR tak ditemukan saat booting:
a. Untuk partisi tipe FAT
- Silakan Anda melakukan booting dari disket Win98 Anda dan salinlah file NTLDR atau NTDETECT.COM
dari direktori i386 ke drive induk (root) C:\
b. Untuk partisi tipe NTFS
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Masukkan password administrator jika diperlukan.
- Masukkan perintah berikut, dimana X: adalah alamat drive dari CD ROM Anda (Sesuaikan!).
- Ketik: COPY X:\i386\NTLDR C\:
- Ketik: COPY X:\i386\NTDETECT.COM C:\
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
Selamat mencoba dan Semoga bermanfaat.
Ada beberapa cara yang berguna buat perbaiki komputer anda tanpa repot-repot menginstal ulang, caranya cukup mudah yaitu :
1. Memperbaiki Instalasi (Repair Install)
Jika Windows XP Anda rusak (corrupted) dimana Anda tidak mempunyai sistem operasi lain untuk booting,
Anda dapat melakukan perbaikan instalasi (Repair Install) yang bekerja sebagaimana setting (pengaturan)
yang awal.
- Pastikan Anda mempunyai kunci (key) Windows XP yang valid.
- Keseluruhan proses akan memakan waktu kurang lebih 1/2 atau 1 jam, tergantung spek komputer Anda.
- Jika Anda dimintai password administrator, sebaiknya Anda memilih opsi perbaikan (repair) yang kedua,
bukan yang pertama.
- Masukkan CD Windows XP Anda dan lakukan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Ketika sudah muncul opsi perbaikan kedua R=Repair, tekan tombol R
Ini akan memulai perbaikan.
- Tekan tombol F8 untuk menyetujui proses selanjutnya “I Agree at the Licensing Agreement”
- Tekan tombol R saat direktori tempat Windows XP Anda terinstal. Biasanya C:\WINDOWS
Selanjutnya akan dilakukan pengecekan drive C: dan mulai menyalin file-file.
Dan secara otomatis restart jika diperlukan. Biarkan CD Anda dalam drivenya.
- Berikutnya Anda akan melihat sebuah gambar “progress bar” yang merupakan bagian dari perbaikan,
dia nampak seperti instalasi XP normal biasanya, meliputi “Collecting Information, Dynamic Update,
Preparing Installation, Installing Windows, Finalizing Installation”.
- Ketika ditanya, klik tombol Next
- Ketika ditanya untuk memasukkan kunci, masukkan kunci (key) Windows XP Anda yang valid.
- Normalnya Anda menginginkan tetap berada dalam nama Domain atau Workgroup yang sama.
- Komputer akan restart.
- Kemudian Anda akan mempunyai layar yang sama sebagaimana pengaktifan sistem ketika instalasi normal.
- Register jika Anda menginginkannya (biasanya tidak diperlukan).
- Selesai
Sekarang Anda bisa log in dengan account Anda yang sudah ada.
2. NTOSKRNL Rusak atau Hilang (Missing or Corrupt)
Jika Anda mendapati pesan error bahwa “NTOSKRNL not found” / NTOSKRNL tak ditemukan, lakukan:
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Pindahlah ke drive CD Drive Anda berada.
- Ketik: CD i386
- Ketik: expand ntkrnlmp.ex_ C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe
- Jika Windows XP Anda terinstal di tempat lain, maka ubahlah sesuai dengan lokasinya.
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
3. HAL.DLL Rusak atau Hilang (Missing or Corrupt)
Jika Anda mendapatkan error berkenaan dengan rusak atau hilangnya file hal.dll, ada kemungkinan
file BOOT.INI mengalami salah konfigurasi (misconfigured).
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Ketik: bootcfg /list
Menampilkan isi/masukan pada file BOOT.INI saat ini
- Ketik: bootcfg /rebuild
Memperbaiki konfigurasi dari file BOOT.INI
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
4. Direktori \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG rusak atau hilang
Jika Anda mendapatkan error dengan tulisan:
“Windows could not start because the following files is missing or corrupt
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Masukkan password administrator jika diperlukan.
- Ketik: cd \windows\system32\config
- Berikutnya tergantung di bagian mana letak terjadinya kerusakan:
- Ketik: ren software software.rusak ATAU ren system system.rusak
- Berikutnya lagi juga tergantung di bagian mana letak terjadinya kerusakan:
- Ketik: copy \windows\repair\system
- Ketik: copy \windows\repair\software
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
5. NTLDR atau NTDETECT.COM tak ditemukan (NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM Not Found)
Jika Anda mendapati error bahwa NTLDR tak ditemukan saat booting:
a. Untuk partisi tipe FAT
- Silakan Anda melakukan booting dari disket Win98 Anda dan salinlah file NTLDR atau NTDETECT.COM
dari direktori i386 ke drive induk (root) C:\
b. Untuk partisi tipe NTFS
- Masukkan CD Windows XP dan booting dari CD tersebut.
- Pada saat muncul opsi R=Repair yang pertama, tekan tombol R.
- Tekan angka sesuai dengan lokasi instalasi Windows yang ingin diperbaiki yang sesuai.
- Biasanya #1
- Masukkan password administrator jika diperlukan.
- Masukkan perintah berikut, dimana X: adalah alamat drive dari CD ROM Anda (Sesuaikan!).
- Ketik: COPY X:\i386\NTLDR C\:
- Ketik: COPY X:\i386\NTDETECT.COM C:\
- Keluarkan CD Anda dan ketikkan EXIT
Selamat mencoba dan Semoga bermanfaat.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sebuah Peluang usaha yang sangat nyata di dunia online ini yang bisa memberikan hasil jutaan rupiah,tanpa ada mempunyai resiko sedikit pun,sangat banyak kita jumpai,meskipun kita dibayar setiap kliknya kecil,namun kalau kita analisa dan kita hitung-hitung hasilnya cukup lumayan,
PTC (Paid To Click) adalah cara mendapatkan uang gratis di internet. Kita akan dibayar oleh website penyedia layanan PTC setiap kita meng-klik iklan yang mereka hadirkan.
Website PTC mendapatkan keuntungan dari pemasang iklan ketika iklan tersebut dilihat/di-klik. Agar iklannya di-klik maka Website PTC membayar kita untuk meng-klik iklan mereka.
Untuk dapat menerima pembayaran dari Website PTC kita harus mempunyai rekening Bank Virtual di internet. Pembayaran akan dikirim ke rekening Bank Virtual kita, kemudian dari Bank Virtual kita bisa mencairkannya ke rekening bank kita sendiri di Indonesia, contohnya Mandiri, BCA, BNI, dll.
PTC 100% GRATIS. PTC hanya bermodalkan browsing. Tidak ada biaya pendaftaran, tidak ada acara transfer²an uang, pokoknya modal Rp 0 !! (Kec. Modal buat Internet).
1 = Anda melakukan klik iklan di website PTC.
2 = Setelah komisi Anda mencapai jumlah tertentu, Website PTC membayar kegiatan Anda ke rekening Anda di Bank Virtual (Contoh: e-gold, alerpay, paypal, dan lain-lain).
3. = Anda bisa mencairkan komisi di Bank Virtual dengan memanfaatkan jasa Exchanger (Contoh: Indochanger).
3a = Beberapa Bank Virtual membolehkan Anda untuk melakukan penarikan uang langsung ke Bank Local di Indonesia.
4 = Exchanger mencairkan uang di Virtual Bank ke rekening Anda di Bank Local (Contoh : Mandiri, BCA, BRI, BNI, dan lain-lain).
5 = Anda melakukan penarikan uang dari ATM atau Bank Local bersangkutan.
Nge-clik apa?
Iklan donk…
Dibayar ga?
Ya iya lah…. singkatanya juga PTC …. Paid to Click…. Paid = Dibayar…
Apakah butuh modal
Butuh… Komputer, Internet & Waktu dikit….
cara kerjanya bagaimana
1. Daftar dulu di website PTC, list PTC yang saya coba ada di samping kiri, itu semua hasil survey kemungkinan besar
bukan SCAM.
2. Kalo sudah, login ke websitenya…
3. Nah, coba ke bagian View Adds (Biasanya), trus disitu ada daftar iklan. Tugas Anda adalah untuk klik iklannya, tunggu 30 detik trus dapet duit deh. Biasanya sih tiap hari ada 8-20 iklan baru, tergantung websitenya.
Lha, kan saya sambil kerja?
Gini loh, iklannya itu gak perlu kita pelototin terus, sementara counternya nyala, kita balik lagi ke kerjaan kita.
Kalo kira2 waktunya sudah 30 detik, balik lagi ke iklan, trus liat udah di OK belum? Kalau oke, matiin windownya trus buka iklan yang lain… balik lagi kerja… matiin lagi… klik iklan lain lagi… balik lagi kerja… gak kerasa koq, lama-lama jadi kebiasaan…
Emang dibayarnya berapa?
Tergantung dari websitenya, rata-tara sekarang pada ngasi 0.01 US Dollar, berarti sekitar 100 rupiah per iklan.
kita sebenarnya dibayar oleh siapa?
Pihak yang ngiklanin donk, plus ada juga dari sponsor.
Kalau cuma $0.01 kapan kayanya donk?
Kalau usaha sendiri emang segitu doank dapetnya, coba kita hitung:
kalau sehari ada 10 iklan, kita dapet $0.1. Berarti sebulan dapet $0.1×30 = $3.
Setaon dapet $36, sekitar Rp. 306.000 rupiah kalau kursnya Rp. 8500. Sepuluh taon dapet Rp 3.060.000. Kecil emang, tapi bayangkan kalau kita daftar ke 10 PTC, setaun dapet Rp 3.060.000,- Masih kekecilan juga? Pakai cara lain donk….
Emang ada cara yang lain?
Ada donk, ada 2 cara,
Yang pertama: Upgrade membership… bayar sih… beda2 tapi harganya… ada yang cuma 20 dollar, ada yang sampe 50 dollar… tergantung websitenya.
Keuntungannya apa? nilai bayaran kita naik dari $0.1 ke $0.15…. (tergantung dari websitenya), berarti kalau kita hitung, sebulan bisa dapet $0.15×30 = $4.5, setaon dapet $54 berarti kira-kira Rp. 459.000,- Nambah kan…
Cara yang kedua: Cari referral yang banyak… :-D
Hah? Referral? Apaan tuh?
Referral itu artinya referensi, berarti ada orang lain yang daftar pakai referensi dari kita. Mereka itu jadi downline kita…
Emang gimana ceritanya mereka bisa nambah penghasilan kita?
Ada beberapa website yang ngasih bonus komisi setiap ada yang daftar pakai referensi dari kita.
Trussss…. belum abis…. setiap klik yang dilakukan oleh orang itu, kita dapet komisi… hehehe… komisinya tergantung dari websitenya, ada yang ngasi $0.1 juga, atau ada yang ngasi $0.05.
Coba bayangkan kalau ada 1 referensi dari kita, trus bayarannya $0.1 juga… hmm… berarti pendapatan kita otomatis jadi 2x lipat kalau kita sendiri dapet $0.1…. ngerti kan? Gimana kalau 10 orang referensi kita? berarti pendapatan kita otomatis dikali 10…
Tunggu dulu… masih ada lagi… kalau kita gabung dengan upgrade, pendapatan kita akan jauh naik lagi karena komisi dari referal juga ikut bertambah… :-D
Males ah, berarti kan harus nyari orang yang mau daftar disini?
Eitttssss… jangan bilang males dulu kalau belum coba…. coba dulu donk….
Kalau gagal, masih ada cara lain…….. beli referensi….
Emang bisa?
Bisa donk, hampir semua website tersebut jual referensi pula… biasanya dihargain 1 dollar. Rata2 sih jualnya paket.
Ada juga yang dipaket ama upgrade.
Cuman…. kalau beli referensi, kita ga bisa menjamin bahwa mereka aktif semua. Pengalaman saya sih cuma 60-80% yang aktif.
Lho, mereka cari orang untuk masuk ke referensi kita?
Mereka adalah orang yang daftar tanpa pakai referensi… Jadi kalau Anda daftar tanpa pakai referensi, berarti entar jadi downline orang lain, hehehehehehe
Hmm, trus kita dibayarnya gimana?
Ada beberapa sistem pembayaran yang dipakai… Paypal, AlertPay dan E-Gold. Tapi yang terakhir itu kalau ga salah dah jarang dipake.
Saya ga punya Paypal atau Alertpay, gimana donk?
Buat cara daftar paypal, coba lihat tutorial di blog ini…
Buat cara daftar AlertPay, sekarang sih tutorialnya belum saya ketik, coba liat dulu deh, mudah-mudahan waktu Anda baca ini saya sudah buat tutorialnya.
Trus emang bisa sampe ke kita di Indonesia?
Kalau pakai paypal, kita bisa transfer ke rekening bank kita di Indonesia
Kalau pake Alertpay, biasanya sih dikirim pakai cek, trus entar di cairin di bank sini.
Atau kadang ada pula temen2 yang mau nuker uang, kita tinggal transfer dollarnya trus dia transfer rupiahnya.
Trus berapa lama pembayarannya?
Tergantung dari pihak PTCnya, ada yang cuma butuh waktu 2 hari, ada yang sampai 6 bulan. Gimana pinter kita milihnya aja deh…
Hmm, kalau yang punya websitenya kabur gimana?
Nasib……… dah banyak yang kabur…. dari 1000 ptc, mungkin cuma 50 yang bener…
makanya, pinter2 nyari PTC… sebelum daftar, browsing dulu pakai google, misalnya kita pingin tahu tentang, coba kata kunci “ scam” atau “ penipu” (banyak juga orang Indo yang ikut loh). Atau coba lihat di forum2, termasuk forum dari PTC itu sendiri. Banyak yang complain ga?
Saya sendiri sebelum join satu PTC pasti survey dulu, beberapa diantaranya saya posting di blog ini (lihat link recomended PTC). Nah, karena waktu saya juga terbatas, baru beberapa PTC saya bahas disini… pelan2 ya… cape juga browsingnya… hehehe
Oh ya, trus cari tau juga apa pembayarannya lancar? kalau banyak payment proof (bukti pembayaran), berarti kemungkinan besar PTC ini aman.
Ada website khusus yang nge-review tentang PTC, ini salah satunya, atau Coba liat dulu deh disitu…
Hmm, ya sudah saya survey dulu ya… Thanks loh…
Sip… sukses ya…
Btw, kalau Anda puas dengan tanya jawab ini, pakai referal saya ya kalau mau daftar. hampir semua PTC yang saya jalanin, nama referensinya “erickwesz”. Atau kalau ga mau pusing, klik aja link yang ada di website ini
Saya rencananya mau posting tips buat cari downline, juga tips buat promosi program Anda… trus sekalian banyak review tentang PTC, berarti harus banyak coba PTC. Bantu pakai referensi saya ya…. Makasih loh.
KLIK BANNER ( gratis )

untuk Paypal klik disini
PTC (Paid To Click) adalah cara mendapatkan uang gratis di internet. Kita akan dibayar oleh website penyedia layanan PTC setiap kita meng-klik iklan yang mereka hadirkan.
Website PTC mendapatkan keuntungan dari pemasang iklan ketika iklan tersebut dilihat/di-klik. Agar iklannya di-klik maka Website PTC membayar kita untuk meng-klik iklan mereka.
Untuk dapat menerima pembayaran dari Website PTC kita harus mempunyai rekening Bank Virtual di internet. Pembayaran akan dikirim ke rekening Bank Virtual kita, kemudian dari Bank Virtual kita bisa mencairkannya ke rekening bank kita sendiri di Indonesia, contohnya Mandiri, BCA, BNI, dll.
PTC 100% GRATIS. PTC hanya bermodalkan browsing. Tidak ada biaya pendaftaran, tidak ada acara transfer²an uang, pokoknya modal Rp 0 !! (Kec. Modal buat Internet).
1 = Anda melakukan klik iklan di website PTC.
2 = Setelah komisi Anda mencapai jumlah tertentu, Website PTC membayar kegiatan Anda ke rekening Anda di Bank Virtual (Contoh: e-gold, alerpay, paypal, dan lain-lain).
3. = Anda bisa mencairkan komisi di Bank Virtual dengan memanfaatkan jasa Exchanger (Contoh: Indochanger).
3a = Beberapa Bank Virtual membolehkan Anda untuk melakukan penarikan uang langsung ke Bank Local di Indonesia.
4 = Exchanger mencairkan uang di Virtual Bank ke rekening Anda di Bank Local (Contoh : Mandiri, BCA, BRI, BNI, dan lain-lain).
5 = Anda melakukan penarikan uang dari ATM atau Bank Local bersangkutan.
Nge-clik apa?
Iklan donk…
Dibayar ga?
Ya iya lah…. singkatanya juga PTC …. Paid to Click…. Paid = Dibayar…
Apakah butuh modal
Butuh… Komputer, Internet & Waktu dikit….
cara kerjanya bagaimana
1. Daftar dulu di website PTC, list PTC yang saya coba ada di samping kiri, itu semua hasil survey kemungkinan besar
bukan SCAM.
2. Kalo sudah, login ke websitenya…
3. Nah, coba ke bagian View Adds (Biasanya), trus disitu ada daftar iklan. Tugas Anda adalah untuk klik iklannya, tunggu 30 detik trus dapet duit deh. Biasanya sih tiap hari ada 8-20 iklan baru, tergantung websitenya.
Lha, kan saya sambil kerja?
Gini loh, iklannya itu gak perlu kita pelototin terus, sementara counternya nyala, kita balik lagi ke kerjaan kita.
Kalo kira2 waktunya sudah 30 detik, balik lagi ke iklan, trus liat udah di OK belum? Kalau oke, matiin windownya trus buka iklan yang lain… balik lagi kerja… matiin lagi… klik iklan lain lagi… balik lagi kerja… gak kerasa koq, lama-lama jadi kebiasaan…
Emang dibayarnya berapa?
Tergantung dari websitenya, rata-tara sekarang pada ngasi 0.01 US Dollar, berarti sekitar 100 rupiah per iklan.
kita sebenarnya dibayar oleh siapa?
Pihak yang ngiklanin donk, plus ada juga dari sponsor.
Kalau cuma $0.01 kapan kayanya donk?
Kalau usaha sendiri emang segitu doank dapetnya, coba kita hitung:
kalau sehari ada 10 iklan, kita dapet $0.1. Berarti sebulan dapet $0.1×30 = $3.
Setaon dapet $36, sekitar Rp. 306.000 rupiah kalau kursnya Rp. 8500. Sepuluh taon dapet Rp 3.060.000. Kecil emang, tapi bayangkan kalau kita daftar ke 10 PTC, setaun dapet Rp 3.060.000,- Masih kekecilan juga? Pakai cara lain donk….
Emang ada cara yang lain?
Ada donk, ada 2 cara,
Yang pertama: Upgrade membership… bayar sih… beda2 tapi harganya… ada yang cuma 20 dollar, ada yang sampe 50 dollar… tergantung websitenya.
Keuntungannya apa? nilai bayaran kita naik dari $0.1 ke $0.15…. (tergantung dari websitenya), berarti kalau kita hitung, sebulan bisa dapet $0.15×30 = $4.5, setaon dapet $54 berarti kira-kira Rp. 459.000,- Nambah kan…
Cara yang kedua: Cari referral yang banyak… :-D
Hah? Referral? Apaan tuh?
Referral itu artinya referensi, berarti ada orang lain yang daftar pakai referensi dari kita. Mereka itu jadi downline kita…
Emang gimana ceritanya mereka bisa nambah penghasilan kita?
Ada beberapa website yang ngasih bonus komisi setiap ada yang daftar pakai referensi dari kita.
Trussss…. belum abis…. setiap klik yang dilakukan oleh orang itu, kita dapet komisi… hehehe… komisinya tergantung dari websitenya, ada yang ngasi $0.1 juga, atau ada yang ngasi $0.05.
Coba bayangkan kalau ada 1 referensi dari kita, trus bayarannya $0.1 juga… hmm… berarti pendapatan kita otomatis jadi 2x lipat kalau kita sendiri dapet $0.1…. ngerti kan? Gimana kalau 10 orang referensi kita? berarti pendapatan kita otomatis dikali 10…
Tunggu dulu… masih ada lagi… kalau kita gabung dengan upgrade, pendapatan kita akan jauh naik lagi karena komisi dari referal juga ikut bertambah… :-D
Males ah, berarti kan harus nyari orang yang mau daftar disini?
Eitttssss… jangan bilang males dulu kalau belum coba…. coba dulu donk….
Kalau gagal, masih ada cara lain…….. beli referensi….
Emang bisa?
Bisa donk, hampir semua website tersebut jual referensi pula… biasanya dihargain 1 dollar. Rata2 sih jualnya paket.
Ada juga yang dipaket ama upgrade.
Cuman…. kalau beli referensi, kita ga bisa menjamin bahwa mereka aktif semua. Pengalaman saya sih cuma 60-80% yang aktif.
Lho, mereka cari orang untuk masuk ke referensi kita?
Mereka adalah orang yang daftar tanpa pakai referensi… Jadi kalau Anda daftar tanpa pakai referensi, berarti entar jadi downline orang lain, hehehehehehe
Hmm, trus kita dibayarnya gimana?
Ada beberapa sistem pembayaran yang dipakai… Paypal, AlertPay dan E-Gold. Tapi yang terakhir itu kalau ga salah dah jarang dipake.
Saya ga punya Paypal atau Alertpay, gimana donk?
Buat cara daftar paypal, coba lihat tutorial di blog ini…
Buat cara daftar AlertPay, sekarang sih tutorialnya belum saya ketik, coba liat dulu deh, mudah-mudahan waktu Anda baca ini saya sudah buat tutorialnya.
Trus emang bisa sampe ke kita di Indonesia?
Kalau pakai paypal, kita bisa transfer ke rekening bank kita di Indonesia
Kalau pake Alertpay, biasanya sih dikirim pakai cek, trus entar di cairin di bank sini.
Atau kadang ada pula temen2 yang mau nuker uang, kita tinggal transfer dollarnya trus dia transfer rupiahnya.
Trus berapa lama pembayarannya?
Tergantung dari pihak PTCnya, ada yang cuma butuh waktu 2 hari, ada yang sampai 6 bulan. Gimana pinter kita milihnya aja deh…
Hmm, kalau yang punya websitenya kabur gimana?
Nasib……… dah banyak yang kabur…. dari 1000 ptc, mungkin cuma 50 yang bener…
makanya, pinter2 nyari PTC… sebelum daftar, browsing dulu pakai google, misalnya kita pingin tahu tentang, coba kata kunci “ scam” atau “ penipu” (banyak juga orang Indo yang ikut loh). Atau coba lihat di forum2, termasuk forum dari PTC itu sendiri. Banyak yang complain ga?
Saya sendiri sebelum join satu PTC pasti survey dulu, beberapa diantaranya saya posting di blog ini (lihat link recomended PTC). Nah, karena waktu saya juga terbatas, baru beberapa PTC saya bahas disini… pelan2 ya… cape juga browsingnya… hehehe
Oh ya, trus cari tau juga apa pembayarannya lancar? kalau banyak payment proof (bukti pembayaran), berarti kemungkinan besar PTC ini aman.
Ada website khusus yang nge-review tentang PTC, ini salah satunya, atau Coba liat dulu deh disitu…
Hmm, ya sudah saya survey dulu ya… Thanks loh…
Sip… sukses ya…
Btw, kalau Anda puas dengan tanya jawab ini, pakai referal saya ya kalau mau daftar. hampir semua PTC yang saya jalanin, nama referensinya “erickwesz”. Atau kalau ga mau pusing, klik aja link yang ada di website ini
Saya rencananya mau posting tips buat cari downline, juga tips buat promosi program Anda… trus sekalian banyak review tentang PTC, berarti harus banyak coba PTC. Bantu pakai referensi saya ya…. Makasih loh.
KLIK BANNER ( gratis )
untuk Paypal klik disini
PTC adalah paid to click, artinya dibayar jika mengklik. Secara gampangnya, anda cukup mengklik iklan lalu anda mendapat bayaran.
PTC / PTR (Paid to Click / Paid to Read) merupakan sebuah program advertising yang memberikan komisi kepada pembaca yang menge-klik iklan yang mereka sediakan. Ada banyak situs PTC/PTR. Setiap situs memberikan bayaran yang berbeda untuk setiap klik iklan. Misalnya clixsense memberi U$0.01-$5 untuk setiap iklan yang diklik. Mungkin ini hanya 1 sen saja, tapi gimana kalo kita nge-Klik 150 iklan sehari? Berapa pendapatan kita dalam seminggu? Sebulan mungkin?
Yap! Hanya dengan menge-Klik iklan saja kita bisa dapet Rp 300.000,- sebulan bahkan bisa lebih banyak lagi. Tergantung kemauan dan ketelatenan kita mengikuti program ini.
Apalagi kalau kita dalam mengakses internet gratis , dari kantor, jaga warnet atau punya warnet sendiri. tambah besar deh penghasilan tiap bulannya.
Bagaimana kita mendapatkan uang dari PTC?
Seperti saya sebutkan di atas. Hanya dengan menge-klik iklan yang mereka sediakan lalu U$0.01 akan ditambahkan ke akun kita. Untuk beberapa situs yang memberi fitur-fitur misalnya paid-to-signup (mendaftar pada situs tertentu) bisa dijadikan lahan uang baru untuk kita. Namun disini ada aturannya. Kita harus menunggu selama 30 detik untuk setiap iklan yang kita klik, sebelum kita menge-klik iklan berikutnya. Timer ini juga berbeda-beda untuk setiap situs. Ada yang hanya 10 detik, 20 detik, 30 detik, bahkan 40 detik.
Uang kita akan ditransfer via e-Gold atau Cek ke rumah kita setelah mencapai minimal U$10.
Haruskah kita membayar untuk mendaftar pada program-program ini?
Tidak. Tidak dikenakan biaya pendaftaran. Cukup mengisi formulir pendaftaran online (biasanya cuma nama, email, username, password). Tetapi kita harus membayar untuk meng-upgrade account gratisan kita ke account premium. Dengan begini kita dapet full access ke iklan-iklan yang disediakan. Alias jumlah iklan yang di-klik juga lebih banyak. Tapi jika tidak ingin upgrade juga tak apa.
Saat anda mendaftar pertama kali (gratis) maka anda hanya mendapatkan 5-20 iklan perhari. Tetapi jika kita upgrade ke premium account, Clixsense (misalnya) akan memberikan kita max 180 iklan perhari, menjanjikan 20 iklan perhari, dll.
Sistem referral = tambahan $$$ buat kita
Referral adalah bagaimana seseorang terhubung atau mengikuti situs tertentu atas rekomendasi kita. Disini, referral berupa sebuah alamat unik yang berbeda untuk setiap account. Jika orang mendaftar ke sebuah situs dengan sumber alamat unik dari kita ini, maka kita akan memperoleh komisi. Begitu juga pada program PTC. Kita bisa menggandakan pendapatan kita dari sebuah situs PTC. Komisi ini termasuk: sign up, referral clicks (jika referral anda mulai nge-klik iklan), upgrades (jika referral anda upgrade ke premium account), bonuses (tergantung pada situs PTC yang anda ikuti).
PTC / PTR (Paid to Click / Paid to Read) merupakan sebuah program advertising yang memberikan komisi kepada pembaca yang menge-klik iklan yang mereka sediakan. Ada banyak situs PTC/PTR. Setiap situs memberikan bayaran yang berbeda untuk setiap klik iklan. Misalnya clixsense memberi U$0.01-$5 untuk setiap iklan yang diklik. Mungkin ini hanya 1 sen saja, tapi gimana kalo kita nge-Klik 150 iklan sehari? Berapa pendapatan kita dalam seminggu? Sebulan mungkin?
Yap! Hanya dengan menge-Klik iklan saja kita bisa dapet Rp 300.000,- sebulan bahkan bisa lebih banyak lagi. Tergantung kemauan dan ketelatenan kita mengikuti program ini.
Apalagi kalau kita dalam mengakses internet gratis , dari kantor, jaga warnet atau punya warnet sendiri. tambah besar deh penghasilan tiap bulannya.
Bagaimana kita mendapatkan uang dari PTC?
Seperti saya sebutkan di atas. Hanya dengan menge-klik iklan yang mereka sediakan lalu U$0.01 akan ditambahkan ke akun kita. Untuk beberapa situs yang memberi fitur-fitur misalnya paid-to-signup (mendaftar pada situs tertentu) bisa dijadikan lahan uang baru untuk kita. Namun disini ada aturannya. Kita harus menunggu selama 30 detik untuk setiap iklan yang kita klik, sebelum kita menge-klik iklan berikutnya. Timer ini juga berbeda-beda untuk setiap situs. Ada yang hanya 10 detik, 20 detik, 30 detik, bahkan 40 detik.
Uang kita akan ditransfer via e-Gold atau Cek ke rumah kita setelah mencapai minimal U$10.
Haruskah kita membayar untuk mendaftar pada program-program ini?
Tidak. Tidak dikenakan biaya pendaftaran. Cukup mengisi formulir pendaftaran online (biasanya cuma nama, email, username, password). Tetapi kita harus membayar untuk meng-upgrade account gratisan kita ke account premium. Dengan begini kita dapet full access ke iklan-iklan yang disediakan. Alias jumlah iklan yang di-klik juga lebih banyak. Tapi jika tidak ingin upgrade juga tak apa.
Saat anda mendaftar pertama kali (gratis) maka anda hanya mendapatkan 5-20 iklan perhari. Tetapi jika kita upgrade ke premium account, Clixsense (misalnya) akan memberikan kita max 180 iklan perhari, menjanjikan 20 iklan perhari, dll.
Sistem referral = tambahan $$$ buat kita
Referral adalah bagaimana seseorang terhubung atau mengikuti situs tertentu atas rekomendasi kita. Disini, referral berupa sebuah alamat unik yang berbeda untuk setiap account. Jika orang mendaftar ke sebuah situs dengan sumber alamat unik dari kita ini, maka kita akan memperoleh komisi. Begitu juga pada program PTC. Kita bisa menggandakan pendapatan kita dari sebuah situs PTC. Komisi ini termasuk: sign up, referral clicks (jika referral anda mulai nge-klik iklan), upgrades (jika referral anda upgrade ke premium account), bonuses (tergantung pada situs PTC yang anda ikuti).
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ada-ada saja....ada lagi ni tips dapet dollar guampank banget. ga perlu pake klik sana sini, ga perlu kemana-mana. pokoknya stay cune aja di depan komputer + nyambung ke internet..hehe.. :z
ini salah satu pekerjaan(atau lebih tepatnya sampingan kali y??) yang uenak tenan ga perlu pake repot, TIPS DAN TRIK BISNIS ONLINE akan coba mengupasnya ya..
program ini disebut cash fiesta?
Ini Adalah situs penghasil dollar yg ga pake ribet saat ini, menyenangkan lagi... :D tp yg pasti setiap saat menghasilkan DOLLAR.. :z Mungkin banyak yang belum tau atau sudah pada tau semua. Sistem kerjanya simpel banget. Hanya dengan memberikan sedikit tempat bagi banner mereka di komputer kita, acara browsing kita tidak terganggu dan dollar lancar tyuzz masuk ke account kita... beneran dech ga pake boonk... :D .benar-benar menggiurkan karena kita tetap bisa fokus browsing sementara point dolar jalan terus kyk jalan tol.hehe :) .mau tau cara kerjanya?
makanya tetap baca sampe habis.
Sistem kerjanya seperti iklan yang muncul di televisi. Setiap orang yg memasang iklan di TV akan membayar jasa periklanan pada pihak TV. Sama dengan Cashfiesta, yang membayar jasa kepada kita, atas pemasangan iklan pada Layar Monitor kita (ketika kita connect di internet). Besarnya jasa pengiklanan itu dihitung dengan POINT yang langsung dapat kita monitor di FiestaBar... pointnya keliatan disitu, jadi kita bisa langsung monitor aja. ga pake repot kan..?? :D
tertarik mencoba?? gratis low ga pake byr hehe (soalnya TIPS DAN TRIK BISNIS ONLINE senang yg gratis2..) :)
caranya :
1. DAFTAR dulu..
Harus punya account di Cashfiesta, cara nya gampang, tinggal daftar aja disini :
klik disini
Pendaftaran Gratis (free),
Saran saya :
pada ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Your interest …………
Friendship and Datting
alasannya :
Karena dikhawatirkan biasanya iklan2 yg masuk adalah situs porno dan judi. (kalo dipilih dosanya tidak TIPS DAN TRIK BISNIS ONLINE tanggung lho ya... masing2 loch.. :z
okey lanjut...
langkah ke 2 :
download fiestabar..
gunanya fiestabar ini mirip seperti TV, untuk naruh iklannya.. :D Bentuknya seperti Banner, jadi ketika menjalankan FiestaBar maka 1/8 layar monitor kita akan digunakan sebagai media iklan (sambil kita bisa tetap browsing internet dengan lancar).. :)
perhatian :
fiestabar ini bukanlah virus, atau spyware apalagi malware. ini murni cuma program seperti TV itu loh jadi tidak akan mengganggu program komputer kita sama sekali.. :)
Selanjutnya kita Instal FiestaBar pada Komputer kita, Nggak ada 1 menit sudah terinstall (tinggal klik next, next, next,... finish GUAMPANK TENAN.. :D )
Tips buat pengguna Warnet
Copy Instaler FiestaBar pada Flasdisk atau media lain, jd setiap mau ganti computer (di warnet gitu) tinggal di install lagi aja….(nggak ada 1 menit)
Kita Jalankan FiestaBar
Masukkan user dan password nya
Bila sudah ada Banner di Layar monitor, berarti Cashfiesta sudah berjalan dan mulai menghasilkan Dollar.. :) gampang kan.. :)
Bila sudah muncul Iklan, arahkan saja Pointer ke FiestaBoy (Animasi Anak Kecil ga pake baju) di bagian kiri FiestaBar (pada awalnya dia hanya duduk/tdr)
Setelah dibaca-baca ( bahasa inggris sich soalnya jadi agak ribet.hehe) :D , bahwa :
1.000 Point = 1 $
1.000 Point = 2 $ (hari libur), istilah di TVnya PRIME TIME
Gratis Internetan :
Point yg kita dapat selama 1 jam = 500 point,
Jadi tiap 2 jam kita dapat 1000 Point
(1000 Point = 1 $)
1$ = Rp. 9.000,-
Biaya Internet per jam rata2 Rp. 3.000,- (6.000 untuk 2 Jam)
Pendapatan Kita 2 Jam = 9.000 – 6.000 = 3.000
Point kita akan terus bertambah hanya bila FiestaBoy berjalan,
Nb :
Point tidak bertambah bila FiestaBoy duduk/tidur jadi kita harus jeli.. :)
soalnya fiestaboy nakal.. hehe :D
Caranya kita tinggal arahkan Pointer ke FiestaBoy (dia akan berjalan kembali)
jalan truzz sampe teler... :z
sekian dech tips dari TIPS DAN TRIK BISNIS ONLINE,
ntr klo ada lagi tips dan trik lainnya, langsung diposting ga pake nunggu.. hehe..
kasih komentar y frend.. :y
ini salah satu pekerjaan(atau lebih tepatnya sampingan kali y??) yang uenak tenan ga perlu pake repot, TIPS DAN TRIK BISNIS ONLINE akan coba mengupasnya ya..
program ini disebut cash fiesta?
Ini Adalah situs penghasil dollar yg ga pake ribet saat ini, menyenangkan lagi... :D tp yg pasti setiap saat menghasilkan DOLLAR.. :z Mungkin banyak yang belum tau atau sudah pada tau semua. Sistem kerjanya simpel banget. Hanya dengan memberikan sedikit tempat bagi banner mereka di komputer kita, acara browsing kita tidak terganggu dan dollar lancar tyuzz masuk ke account kita... beneran dech ga pake boonk... :D .benar-benar menggiurkan karena kita tetap bisa fokus browsing sementara point dolar jalan terus kyk jalan tol.hehe :) .mau tau cara kerjanya?
makanya tetap baca sampe habis.
Sistem kerjanya seperti iklan yang muncul di televisi. Setiap orang yg memasang iklan di TV akan membayar jasa periklanan pada pihak TV. Sama dengan Cashfiesta, yang membayar jasa kepada kita, atas pemasangan iklan pada Layar Monitor kita (ketika kita connect di internet). Besarnya jasa pengiklanan itu dihitung dengan POINT yang langsung dapat kita monitor di FiestaBar... pointnya keliatan disitu, jadi kita bisa langsung monitor aja. ga pake repot kan..?? :D
tertarik mencoba?? gratis low ga pake byr hehe (soalnya TIPS DAN TRIK BISNIS ONLINE senang yg gratis2..) :)
caranya :
1. DAFTAR dulu..
Harus punya account di Cashfiesta, cara nya gampang, tinggal daftar aja disini :
klik disini
Pendaftaran Gratis (free),
Saran saya :
pada ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Your interest …………
Friendship and Datting
alasannya :
Karena dikhawatirkan biasanya iklan2 yg masuk adalah situs porno dan judi. (kalo dipilih dosanya tidak TIPS DAN TRIK BISNIS ONLINE tanggung lho ya... masing2 loch.. :z
okey lanjut...
langkah ke 2 :
download fiestabar..
gunanya fiestabar ini mirip seperti TV, untuk naruh iklannya.. :D Bentuknya seperti Banner, jadi ketika menjalankan FiestaBar maka 1/8 layar monitor kita akan digunakan sebagai media iklan (sambil kita bisa tetap browsing internet dengan lancar).. :)
perhatian :
fiestabar ini bukanlah virus, atau spyware apalagi malware. ini murni cuma program seperti TV itu loh jadi tidak akan mengganggu program komputer kita sama sekali.. :)
Selanjutnya kita Instal FiestaBar pada Komputer kita, Nggak ada 1 menit sudah terinstall (tinggal klik next, next, next,... finish GUAMPANK TENAN.. :D )
Tips buat pengguna Warnet
Copy Instaler FiestaBar pada Flasdisk atau media lain, jd setiap mau ganti computer (di warnet gitu) tinggal di install lagi aja….(nggak ada 1 menit)
Kita Jalankan FiestaBar
Masukkan user dan password nya
Bila sudah ada Banner di Layar monitor, berarti Cashfiesta sudah berjalan dan mulai menghasilkan Dollar.. :) gampang kan.. :)
Bila sudah muncul Iklan, arahkan saja Pointer ke FiestaBoy (Animasi Anak Kecil ga pake baju) di bagian kiri FiestaBar (pada awalnya dia hanya duduk/tdr)
Setelah dibaca-baca ( bahasa inggris sich soalnya jadi agak ribet.hehe) :D , bahwa :
1.000 Point = 1 $
1.000 Point = 2 $ (hari libur), istilah di TVnya PRIME TIME
Gratis Internetan :
Point yg kita dapat selama 1 jam = 500 point,
Jadi tiap 2 jam kita dapat 1000 Point
(1000 Point = 1 $)
1$ = Rp. 9.000,-
Biaya Internet per jam rata2 Rp. 3.000,- (6.000 untuk 2 Jam)
Pendapatan Kita 2 Jam = 9.000 – 6.000 = 3.000
Point kita akan terus bertambah hanya bila FiestaBoy berjalan,
Nb :
Point tidak bertambah bila FiestaBoy duduk/tidur jadi kita harus jeli.. :)
soalnya fiestaboy nakal.. hehe :D
Caranya kita tinggal arahkan Pointer ke FiestaBoy (dia akan berjalan kembali)
jalan truzz sampe teler... :z
sekian dech tips dari TIPS DAN TRIK BISNIS ONLINE,
ntr klo ada lagi tips dan trik lainnya, langsung diposting ga pake nunggu.. hehe..
kasih komentar y frend.. :y
Monday, June 1, 2009
Awas Virus Trojan Pencuri....
Saat ini, ramai tersebar serangan yang mencuri account seseorang yang bermain online game yang ditimbulkan oleh trojan jenis baru. Trojan ini mendominasi aktivitas malware akhir-akhir ini dan dapat menjadi sebuah ancaman bagi dunia bisnis juga, peringatan pakar security.
Trojan ini didesain untuk mencuri informasi account pemain game online, laporan dari Fortinet Technologies Inc. Perusahan yang berbasis di California ini mengidentifikasi jenis trojan baru ini dalam laporannya bulan Juni kemarin.
Hanya karena trojan ini didesain untuk mengambil informasi account pemain online game, tidak berarti dunia bisnis dapat terbebas dari ancaman ini, ujar Derek Manky, teknisi peneliti keamanan Fortinet.
Sekarang ini, banyak trojan mempunyai fungsionalitas yang memungkinkan trojan tersebut dapat menerima perintah dari pengirimnya dan dapat men-download kode baru yang dapat digunakan untuk bermacam-macam tujuan kejahatan.
Dua jenis trojan ini telah dimasukkan ke dalam 10 masalah paling berbahaya pada bulan April lalu, dimana keduanya berada pada urutan kedua dan keempat dalam daftar list tersebut.
Kerusakan yang ditimbulkan oleh trojan ini dapat dilihat dalam technical support forums milik World of Warcraft. Forum online game populer ini penuh dengan komplain para user yang menjadi korban pencurian account. “Tolog kunci account dengan username Txexhale,” tulis seorang gamer. “Account itu telah dicuri, juga semua informasi saya.”
Para pencuri sering menjualnya dalam black market, ujar Manky. “Motivasinya adalah finansial dan memang ada pasarnya.” Selain itu, trojan ini dapat mengambil data pribadi seseorang, dan menjadikan komputer tersebut menjadi “computer-zombie”, dan kemudian mengirim spam ke korbannya.
Penulis : Arief Lukman
FTI - Universitas Atmajaya
Trojan ini didesain untuk mencuri informasi account pemain game online, laporan dari Fortinet Technologies Inc. Perusahan yang berbasis di California ini mengidentifikasi jenis trojan baru ini dalam laporannya bulan Juni kemarin.
Hanya karena trojan ini didesain untuk mengambil informasi account pemain online game, tidak berarti dunia bisnis dapat terbebas dari ancaman ini, ujar Derek Manky, teknisi peneliti keamanan Fortinet.
Sekarang ini, banyak trojan mempunyai fungsionalitas yang memungkinkan trojan tersebut dapat menerima perintah dari pengirimnya dan dapat men-download kode baru yang dapat digunakan untuk bermacam-macam tujuan kejahatan.
Dua jenis trojan ini telah dimasukkan ke dalam 10 masalah paling berbahaya pada bulan April lalu, dimana keduanya berada pada urutan kedua dan keempat dalam daftar list tersebut.
Kerusakan yang ditimbulkan oleh trojan ini dapat dilihat dalam technical support forums milik World of Warcraft. Forum online game populer ini penuh dengan komplain para user yang menjadi korban pencurian account. “Tolog kunci account dengan username Txexhale,” tulis seorang gamer. “Account itu telah dicuri, juga semua informasi saya.”
Para pencuri sering menjualnya dalam black market, ujar Manky. “Motivasinya adalah finansial dan memang ada pasarnya.” Selain itu, trojan ini dapat mengambil data pribadi seseorang, dan menjadikan komputer tersebut menjadi “computer-zombie”, dan kemudian mengirim spam ke korbannya.
Penulis : Arief Lukman
FTI - Universitas Atmajaya
Produk-produk Google yang anda belum tau ?
Apa saja Produk-produk google yang anda belum tau? (saya juga baru tau Haa..ha..gahhhaaa..) Jika bicara tentang Google, dalam benak kita pasti yang teringat adalah search engine atau tentang email gratis dari Gmail. Tapi sebenarnya produk Google tidak itu saja. Dibalik kesuksesan Google, ada banyak produknya yang kurang populer dan cenderung diabaikan oleh para blogger, meski memiliki manfaat yang tidak kecil. Bahkan untuk menunjang kesuksesannya, Google telah membeli beberapa produk lain yang populer seperti feedburner dan youtube. Berikut ini saya tampilkan beberapa produk Google yang kurang populer, meski demikian memiliki banyak manfaat. Dengan menampilkan disini mungkin bisa menjadi media pengingat atau pemberitahuan bagi anda yang belum tahu sehingga bisa memanfaatkannya.
1. Google Base
Dengan fitur ini anda dapat melakukan pencarian tempat penyewaan, tempat berlinur, lowongan kerja, resep makanan, dll. url :
2. Google Notebook
Google memberikan fasilitas bagi anda untuk melakukan penyimpanan dalam personal library setiap kali kita menemukan berbagai halaman situs, kutipan, gambar dan lain-lain saat kita melakukan searching. url : http//
3. Google Sketch Up
Produk Google yang bisa membantu anda membuat model desain 3D. url :
4. Google Code Search
Sebenarnya produk ini disediakan untuk para programmer, karena produk yang satu ini memberikan kemudahan bagi programmer untuk mencari berbagai sumber proyek-proyek open source. url :
5. Google Page Creator
Google juga memberikan kemudahan membuat situs dengan alat-alat standart yang ada di Google Page Creator. Anda dapat menyimpan file, gambar, dll yang kemudian bisa anda kelola melalui blog anda. url :
1. Google Base
Dengan fitur ini anda dapat melakukan pencarian tempat penyewaan, tempat berlinur, lowongan kerja, resep makanan, dll. url :
2. Google Notebook
Google memberikan fasilitas bagi anda untuk melakukan penyimpanan dalam personal library setiap kali kita menemukan berbagai halaman situs, kutipan, gambar dan lain-lain saat kita melakukan searching. url : http//
3. Google Sketch Up
Produk Google yang bisa membantu anda membuat model desain 3D. url :
4. Google Code Search
Sebenarnya produk ini disediakan untuk para programmer, karena produk yang satu ini memberikan kemudahan bagi programmer untuk mencari berbagai sumber proyek-proyek open source. url :
5. Google Page Creator
Google juga memberikan kemudahan membuat situs dengan alat-alat standart yang ada di Google Page Creator. Anda dapat menyimpan file, gambar, dll yang kemudian bisa anda kelola melalui blog anda. url :
No CANCER pain for three weeks now
A couple weeks ago you heard me tell you about a woman with
endometrial cancer who had worsening pain and bleeding and pain for a
period of six months.
She had told me that she'd stopped bleeding and had no pain for a
Well, she's been on my recipe for 6 weeks now and her pain and
bleeding have been gone for three weeks. After six months of heavy
bleeding and pain, she is thrilled with her results so far.
She has received no medical treatments for her condition after
declining a hysterectomy.
The recipe consists of one freshly grated habaneros, and 2 cloves
freshly grated garlic put on sprouted bread, such as Ezekiel bread.
The peppers and garlc are smothered in butter to help quell the heat.
I'd eat this once a day. Some eat it twice a day. If my health was bad
or I had a lot of cancer, I'd go more slowly.
If I had weight loss or fluid retention from my cancer, I'd also take
6,000 mgs of evening primrose oil (EPO), in divided doses.
With no weight loss or fluid retention, I'd take a tablespoon or two
of emulsified cod liver oil each day. and not the EPO.
Take only one oil, not both, based on the one I needed at the time.
Cancer blood tests while on this diet will show high readings because
the cancer gets lysed out through the blood. If I'm feeling better and/
or observing my tumors getting smaller, I would celebrate high blood
antigen test results
endometrial cancer who had worsening pain and bleeding and pain for a
period of six months.
She had told me that she'd stopped bleeding and had no pain for a
Well, she's been on my recipe for 6 weeks now and her pain and
bleeding have been gone for three weeks. After six months of heavy
bleeding and pain, she is thrilled with her results so far.
She has received no medical treatments for her condition after
declining a hysterectomy.
The recipe consists of one freshly grated habaneros, and 2 cloves
freshly grated garlic put on sprouted bread, such as Ezekiel bread.
The peppers and garlc are smothered in butter to help quell the heat.
I'd eat this once a day. Some eat it twice a day. If my health was bad
or I had a lot of cancer, I'd go more slowly.
If I had weight loss or fluid retention from my cancer, I'd also take
6,000 mgs of evening primrose oil (EPO), in divided doses.
With no weight loss or fluid retention, I'd take a tablespoon or two
of emulsified cod liver oil each day. and not the EPO.
Take only one oil, not both, based on the one I needed at the time.
Cancer blood tests while on this diet will show high readings because
the cancer gets lysed out through the blood. If I'm feeling better and/
or observing my tumors getting smaller, I would celebrate high blood
antigen test results
This time my CANCER recipe only helped with her arthritis...
Jeannette wrote to me about two weeks ago. She had cancer way back in
1976, and apparently cured it with Laetrile, etc. She gave no
indication of having cancer now. She apparently decided to try it for
two weeks as a preventative.
Tonight she wrote me again. Here is what she wrote:
"I finished two weeks of the habanero, garlic, organic butter on
Ezekial 4:9 bread. On the 7th day I switched from Oil of Evening
Primrose to the emulsified cod liver oil (Twinlab) mint flavor. The
emulsified cod liver oil has relieved the chronic debilitating pain I
have had for several years in my right hip socket due to arthritis. I
am still taking Glucosamine Chondroitin & MSM tablets to restore my
joints. I wonder if that is even necessary now? I bought my second
bottle of emulsified CLO today (orange flavor this time).
"Thank you for pointing me to emulsified cod liver oil! My sister is
having the same problem and she is considering a hip replacement. As
much as I have sufferd with my hip, I have refused to consider a hip
"I am so grateful.
It's interesting to note that she only saw improvement when she
changed the oil that she was using. I hope it continues to relieve her
1976, and apparently cured it with Laetrile, etc. She gave no
indication of having cancer now. She apparently decided to try it for
two weeks as a preventative.
Tonight she wrote me again. Here is what she wrote:
"I finished two weeks of the habanero, garlic, organic butter on
Ezekial 4:9 bread. On the 7th day I switched from Oil of Evening
Primrose to the emulsified cod liver oil (Twinlab) mint flavor. The
emulsified cod liver oil has relieved the chronic debilitating pain I
have had for several years in my right hip socket due to arthritis. I
am still taking Glucosamine Chondroitin & MSM tablets to restore my
joints. I wonder if that is even necessary now? I bought my second
bottle of emulsified CLO today (orange flavor this time).
"Thank you for pointing me to emulsified cod liver oil! My sister is
having the same problem and she is considering a hip replacement. As
much as I have sufferd with my hip, I have refused to consider a hip
"I am so grateful.
It's interesting to note that she only saw improvement when she
changed the oil that she was using. I hope it continues to relieve her
This time my CANCER recipe only helped with her arthritis...
Jeannette wrote to me about two weeks ago. She had cancer way back in
1976, and apparently cured it with Laetrile, etc. She gave no
indication of having cancer now. She apparently decided to try it for
two weeks as a preventative.
Tonight she wrote me again. Here is what she wrote:
"I finished two weeks of the habanero, garlic, organic butter on
Ezekial 4:9 bread. On the 7th day I switched from Oil of Evening
Primrose to the emulsified cod liver oil (Twinlab) mint flavor. The
emulsified cod liver oil has relieved the chronic debilitating pain I
have had for several years in my right hip socket due to arthritis. I
am still taking Glucosamine Chondroitin & MSM tablets to restore my
joints. I wonder if that is even necessary now? I bought my second
bottle of emulsified CLO today (orange flavor this time).
"Thank you for pointing me to emulsified cod liver oil! My sister is
having the same problem and she is considering a hip replacement. As
much as I have sufferd with my hip, I have refused to consider a hip
"I am so grateful.
It's interesting to note that she only saw improvement when she
changed the oil that she was using. I hope it continues to relieve her
1976, and apparently cured it with Laetrile, etc. She gave no
indication of having cancer now. She apparently decided to try it for
two weeks as a preventative.
Tonight she wrote me again. Here is what she wrote:
"I finished two weeks of the habanero, garlic, organic butter on
Ezekial 4:9 bread. On the 7th day I switched from Oil of Evening
Primrose to the emulsified cod liver oil (Twinlab) mint flavor. The
emulsified cod liver oil has relieved the chronic debilitating pain I
have had for several years in my right hip socket due to arthritis. I
am still taking Glucosamine Chondroitin & MSM tablets to restore my
joints. I wonder if that is even necessary now? I bought my second
bottle of emulsified CLO today (orange flavor this time).
"Thank you for pointing me to emulsified cod liver oil! My sister is
having the same problem and she is considering a hip replacement. As
much as I have sufferd with my hip, I have refused to consider a hip
"I am so grateful.
It's interesting to note that she only saw improvement when she
changed the oil that she was using. I hope it continues to relieve her
Anti-inflammatory Soy Lecithin
Research Article
Soy lecithin supplementation alters macrophage phagocytosis and
lymphocyte response to concanavalin A: a study in alloxan-induced
diabetic rats
Dalva T. S. Z. Miranda 1, Vanessa G. Batista 1, Fernanda C. C. Grando
1, Fernanda M. Paula 1, Caroline A. Felício 1, Gabriella F. S. Rubbo
1, Luiz C. Fernandes 1, Rui Curi 2, Anita Nishiyama 1 *
1Department of Physiology, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba,
PR, Brazil
2Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Universidade de São Paulo,
SP, Brazil
email: Anita Nishiyama (
*Correspondence to Anita Nishiyama, Department of Physiology,
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
Dietary soy lecithin supplementation decreases hyperlipidemia and
influences lipid metabolism.
Although this product is used by diabetic patients, there are no data
about the effect of soy lecithin supplementation on the immune
The addition of phosphatidylcholine, the main component of lecithin,
to a culture of lymphocytes has been reported to alter their
If phosphatidylcholine changes lymphocyte functions in vitro as
previously shown, then it could also affect immune cells in vivo.
In the present study, the effect of dietary soy lecithin on macrophage
phagocytic capacity and on lymphocyte number in response to
concanavalin A (ConA) stimulation was investigated in non-diabetic and
alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Supplementation was carried out daily
with 2 g kg-1 b.w. lecithin during 7 days.
After that, blood was drawn from fasting rats and peritoneal
macrophages and mesenteric lymph node lymphocytes were collected to
determine the phospholipid content.
Plasma triacylglycerol (TAG), total and HDL cholesterol and glucose
levels were also determined. Lymphocytes were stimulated by ConA. The
MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) dye
reduction method and flow cytometry were employed to evaluate
lymphocyte metabolism and cell number, respectively.
Soy lecithin supplementation significantly increased both macrophage
phagocytic capacity (+29%) in non-diabetic rats and the lymphocyte
number in diabetic rats (+92%).
It is unlikely that plasma lipid levels indirectly affect immune
cells, since plasma cholesterol, TAG, or phospholipid content was not
modified by lecithin supplementation.
In conclusion, lymphocyte and macrophage function were altered by
lecithin supplementation, indicating an immunomodulatory effect of
Funded by:
CNPQ; Grant Number: 473412/2003-9
dietary supplements • phosphatidylcholines • macrophages • lymphocytes
• diabetes mellitus
Received: 4 June 2008; Revised: 26 August 2008; Accepted: 3 September
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
10.1002/cbf.1517 About DOI
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Soy lecithin supplementation alters macrophage phagocytosis and
lymphocyte response to concanavalin A: a study in alloxan-induced
diabetic rats
Dalva T. S. Z. Miranda 1, Vanessa G. Batista 1, Fernanda C. C. Grando
1, Fernanda M. Paula 1, Caroline A. Felício 1, Gabriella F. S. Rubbo
1, Luiz C. Fernandes 1, Rui Curi 2, Anita Nishiyama 1 *
1Department of Physiology, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba,
PR, Brazil
2Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Universidade de São Paulo,
SP, Brazil
email: Anita Nishiyama (
*Correspondence to Anita Nishiyama, Department of Physiology,
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
Dietary soy lecithin supplementation decreases hyperlipidemia and
influences lipid metabolism.
Although this product is used by diabetic patients, there are no data
about the effect of soy lecithin supplementation on the immune
The addition of phosphatidylcholine, the main component of lecithin,
to a culture of lymphocytes has been reported to alter their
If phosphatidylcholine changes lymphocyte functions in vitro as
previously shown, then it could also affect immune cells in vivo.
In the present study, the effect of dietary soy lecithin on macrophage
phagocytic capacity and on lymphocyte number in response to
concanavalin A (ConA) stimulation was investigated in non-diabetic and
alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Supplementation was carried out daily
with 2 g kg-1 b.w. lecithin during 7 days.
After that, blood was drawn from fasting rats and peritoneal
macrophages and mesenteric lymph node lymphocytes were collected to
determine the phospholipid content.
Plasma triacylglycerol (TAG), total and HDL cholesterol and glucose
levels were also determined. Lymphocytes were stimulated by ConA. The
MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) dye
reduction method and flow cytometry were employed to evaluate
lymphocyte metabolism and cell number, respectively.
Soy lecithin supplementation significantly increased both macrophage
phagocytic capacity (+29%) in non-diabetic rats and the lymphocyte
number in diabetic rats (+92%).
It is unlikely that plasma lipid levels indirectly affect immune
cells, since plasma cholesterol, TAG, or phospholipid content was not
modified by lecithin supplementation.
In conclusion, lymphocyte and macrophage function were altered by
lecithin supplementation, indicating an immunomodulatory effect of
Funded by:
CNPQ; Grant Number: 473412/2003-9
dietary supplements • phosphatidylcholines • macrophages • lymphocytes
• diabetes mellitus
Received: 4 June 2008; Revised: 26 August 2008; Accepted: 3 September
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
10.1002/cbf.1517 About DOI
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
AUTISM: What Happens To Victims After Parents Die? Dark Days Loom ...
"Most of these cognitively impaired citizens don't vote. Most of them
can't live alone or work in public places. Many can't even take public
transportation by themselves"
"The number of autistic children expected to need extensive adult
services by 2023 -- more than 380,000 people -- is roughly equal to
the population of Minneapolis."
"Still Overlooking Autistic Adults"
By Linda H. Davis
Saturday, April 4, 2009; A15
Question: What coming social expenditure will cost more than a third
of this year's budget for the Department of Health and Human Services
and be larger than the entire current budget of the Energy
Answer: The bill for the tide of autistic children entering adulthood
over the next 15 years, an estimated $27 billion annually in current,
non-inflation-adjusted dollars by the end of that period. The number
of autistic children expected to need extensive adult services by 2023
-- more than 380,000 people -- is roughly equal to the population of
Minneapolis. If a town were created to house this group of people and
their caregivers -- for you can't separate the two -- it would exceed
the population of all but six U.S. cities. If they formed a state, it
would have four electoral votes.
But most of these cognitively impaired citizens don't vote. Most of
them can't live alone or work in public places. Many can't even take
public transportation by themselves.
Yet as World Autism Awareness Day passed this week, with the wrecking
ball swinging at all levels of social services in this devastated
economy, the challenges of adult autism continue to be overlooked.
Many news reports focus on whether vaccines cause autism, the need for
a cure or the education of autistic children. Autistic adults are
relegated to the sidelines. Even the Obama administration, which has
pledged better care for disabled Americans, including those with
autism, has not been specific enough about its plans for those who
will probably never be able to live independently or be part of the
traditional workforce. "Improving life-long services for people with
ASD," as autism spectrum disorder is known, is a worryingly broad,
detail-free promise in the White House agenda published online.
I understand that no one wants to look at a child and imagine the
clunky, in-your-face adult he or she will become or think about the
stares he or she will induce. When I look at my pudgy 22-year-old son,
Randy, still sweet-faced but so obviously disabled, I cannot locate
the blond cherub he used to be, gripping his stuffed brown bear. While
writing this, I listened to Randy getting into the refrigerator (he's
home again from his supervised job -- two mornings a week -- because
of another problem with the overwhelmed human services provider funded
by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts), and wonder who will love or at
least protect him when he ends up in a group home run by an underpaid,
overworked staff.
Randy's father and I are keeping him at home as long as possible, even
as I'm battling an incurable cancer. The inadequate state services and
perilously thin funding have seriously hampered our ability to work
while caring for our son. I feel as though we're playing Russian
roulette with Randy's future, yet I cling to my gentle son, unwilling
to entrust him to a system that grows more fragile than I do.
Randy is just one of hundreds of thousands of autistic adults to whom
society pays frighteningly little attention. The price of their care
will affect all Americans, not only those who have autistic children.
Along with housing, day programs, transportation to those programs or
jobs, and higher-than-average medical costs, adults with autism
require steady supervision and support. Consider: A well-behaved,
relatively high-functioning person such as my son could manage in an
environment that has a ratio of three clients per staff member. But
many autistic people require a one-to-one ratio. This is a serious
hurdle, not least because of the high turnover rate among those who
provide direct care, which stems in part from their low wages. Not
everyone is temperamentally suited to this work. People with autism
present myriad challenges: They can sometimes be violent, sometimes
are self-abusive, suffer psychological meltdowns, or behave in many
socially unacceptable ways, to say the least. Women, traditionally
cast in the caregiver role, are at risk of greater physical harm when
caring for autistic adults than for children. At expected rates, we
will need to find an additional million caregivers, people who must
have the right personal qualities to work with autistic individuals
but who are willing and able to work for low wages. This is no small
challenge. We not only must train people but also show that we value
this work by paying them better.
In 15 years, the cost of care just for the autistic children entering
adulthood over that time will be about equal to the current state
budget of Tennessee. Meanwhile, services are dangerously strained, and
the influx of autistic adults is underway. This country urgently needs
to focus on adult autism, new models of care and new sources of
funding. Before the looming tidal wave delivers another crushing blow
to our economy, we should have a national discussion. It should begin
[Linda H. Davis is the author, most recently, of "Charles Addams: A
Cartoonist's Life" and is president of the nonprofit SAGE Crossing
Foundation, formed to create a farmstead for autistic adults. Her
husband, Chuck Yanikoski, who is treasurer of SAGE, contributed to
this piece.]
can't live alone or work in public places. Many can't even take public
transportation by themselves"
"The number of autistic children expected to need extensive adult
services by 2023 -- more than 380,000 people -- is roughly equal to
the population of Minneapolis."
"Still Overlooking Autistic Adults"
By Linda H. Davis
Saturday, April 4, 2009; A15
Question: What coming social expenditure will cost more than a third
of this year's budget for the Department of Health and Human Services
and be larger than the entire current budget of the Energy
Answer: The bill for the tide of autistic children entering adulthood
over the next 15 years, an estimated $27 billion annually in current,
non-inflation-adjusted dollars by the end of that period. The number
of autistic children expected to need extensive adult services by 2023
-- more than 380,000 people -- is roughly equal to the population of
Minneapolis. If a town were created to house this group of people and
their caregivers -- for you can't separate the two -- it would exceed
the population of all but six U.S. cities. If they formed a state, it
would have four electoral votes.
But most of these cognitively impaired citizens don't vote. Most of
them can't live alone or work in public places. Many can't even take
public transportation by themselves.
Yet as World Autism Awareness Day passed this week, with the wrecking
ball swinging at all levels of social services in this devastated
economy, the challenges of adult autism continue to be overlooked.
Many news reports focus on whether vaccines cause autism, the need for
a cure or the education of autistic children. Autistic adults are
relegated to the sidelines. Even the Obama administration, which has
pledged better care for disabled Americans, including those with
autism, has not been specific enough about its plans for those who
will probably never be able to live independently or be part of the
traditional workforce. "Improving life-long services for people with
ASD," as autism spectrum disorder is known, is a worryingly broad,
detail-free promise in the White House agenda published online.
I understand that no one wants to look at a child and imagine the
clunky, in-your-face adult he or she will become or think about the
stares he or she will induce. When I look at my pudgy 22-year-old son,
Randy, still sweet-faced but so obviously disabled, I cannot locate
the blond cherub he used to be, gripping his stuffed brown bear. While
writing this, I listened to Randy getting into the refrigerator (he's
home again from his supervised job -- two mornings a week -- because
of another problem with the overwhelmed human services provider funded
by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts), and wonder who will love or at
least protect him when he ends up in a group home run by an underpaid,
overworked staff.
Randy's father and I are keeping him at home as long as possible, even
as I'm battling an incurable cancer. The inadequate state services and
perilously thin funding have seriously hampered our ability to work
while caring for our son. I feel as though we're playing Russian
roulette with Randy's future, yet I cling to my gentle son, unwilling
to entrust him to a system that grows more fragile than I do.
Randy is just one of hundreds of thousands of autistic adults to whom
society pays frighteningly little attention. The price of their care
will affect all Americans, not only those who have autistic children.
Along with housing, day programs, transportation to those programs or
jobs, and higher-than-average medical costs, adults with autism
require steady supervision and support. Consider: A well-behaved,
relatively high-functioning person such as my son could manage in an
environment that has a ratio of three clients per staff member. But
many autistic people require a one-to-one ratio. This is a serious
hurdle, not least because of the high turnover rate among those who
provide direct care, which stems in part from their low wages. Not
everyone is temperamentally suited to this work. People with autism
present myriad challenges: They can sometimes be violent, sometimes
are self-abusive, suffer psychological meltdowns, or behave in many
socially unacceptable ways, to say the least. Women, traditionally
cast in the caregiver role, are at risk of greater physical harm when
caring for autistic adults than for children. At expected rates, we
will need to find an additional million caregivers, people who must
have the right personal qualities to work with autistic individuals
but who are willing and able to work for low wages. This is no small
challenge. We not only must train people but also show that we value
this work by paying them better.
In 15 years, the cost of care just for the autistic children entering
adulthood over that time will be about equal to the current state
budget of Tennessee. Meanwhile, services are dangerously strained, and
the influx of autistic adults is underway. This country urgently needs
to focus on adult autism, new models of care and new sources of
funding. Before the looming tidal wave delivers another crushing blow
to our economy, we should have a national discussion. It should begin
[Linda H. Davis is the author, most recently, of "Charles Addams: A
Cartoonist's Life" and is president of the nonprofit SAGE Crossing
Foundation, formed to create a farmstead for autistic adults. Her
husband, Chuck Yanikoski, who is treasurer of SAGE, contributed to
this piece.]
DHA Found to Shrink Tumors, Aid Use of Chemotherapy Drug
DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oils, has been shown to
reduce the size of tumors and enhance the positive effects of the
chemotherapy drug cisplatin, while limiting its harmful side effects.
These experiments, described in the journal "Cell Division," provide
some support for the many health benefits often suggested for omega-3
Professor A. M. El-Mowafy and his team from Mansoura University
(Egypt) studied DHA’s effects on solid tumors growing in mice, and
investigated how this fatty acid interacts with cisplatin, a
chemotherapy drug that is known to cause kidney damage. El-Mowafy
said, “DHA elicited prominent chemopreventive effects on its own, and
appreciably augmented those of cisplatin as well." He went further and
indicated that DHA can obliterate certain cisplatin-induced toxicity
and damage to kidney tissue.
DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid that is commonly found in cold-water fish
oil, and some vegetable oils. It is a major component of brain gray
matter and of the retina in most mammalian species and is considered
essential for normal neurological and cellular developments. This
study found that, at the molecular level, DHA acts by reducing white
blood cell accumulation, inflammation, and oxidative stress – all
processes that have been linked with tumor growth.
El-Mowafy and his colleagues have called for greater deployment of
omega-3 in the fight against cancer.
Full text article above extracted from
reduce the size of tumors and enhance the positive effects of the
chemotherapy drug cisplatin, while limiting its harmful side effects.
These experiments, described in the journal "Cell Division," provide
some support for the many health benefits often suggested for omega-3
Professor A. M. El-Mowafy and his team from Mansoura University
(Egypt) studied DHA’s effects on solid tumors growing in mice, and
investigated how this fatty acid interacts with cisplatin, a
chemotherapy drug that is known to cause kidney damage. El-Mowafy
said, “DHA elicited prominent chemopreventive effects on its own, and
appreciably augmented those of cisplatin as well." He went further and
indicated that DHA can obliterate certain cisplatin-induced toxicity
and damage to kidney tissue.
DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid that is commonly found in cold-water fish
oil, and some vegetable oils. It is a major component of brain gray
matter and of the retina in most mammalian species and is considered
essential for normal neurological and cellular developments. This
study found that, at the molecular level, DHA acts by reducing white
blood cell accumulation, inflammation, and oxidative stress – all
processes that have been linked with tumor growth.
El-Mowafy and his colleagues have called for greater deployment of
omega-3 in the fight against cancer.
Full text article above extracted from
John Haddon
Sir, Dr. Balms's communication in the Journal of June 5th, p. 970,
telling how he treats some cases of pneumonia, deserves to be
It was the late Professor John Jughes Bennet who first advocated the
expectant treatment of pneumonia, and his book on the subject was
translated into many languages.
I acted as his resident in the clinical wards of the Edinburgh Royal
Infirmary, and , by his directions, I occasionally bled patients.
Bennet would have bled the cases Dr. Balm describes , and if the idea
is original on his part , he deserves credit.
Talking about his letter with a medical friend , he told me that he
had a patient whose nose bled profusely; he failed to stop it, and the
late Dr. Joseph Bell was consulted he told my friend that his father
would , in such a case , have opened a vein, and that was what Dr.
Joseph Bell did.
He did not take more than two tablespoonsfuls of blood , and there was
no more bleeding from the nose.
Our grandfathers used to be bled every spring, and I have heard
Professor Bennet tell of the row of patients waiting to be bled.
Lanquid and lazy before being bled, they felt as if their youth were
renewed by the bleeding.
I heard Sir T. Clifford Allbutt tell of having had a patient suffering
from a pulse of very high tension, who was kept for a year by one
venesection; in these days of so-called sudden death from heart
failure or apoplexy , which I look upon as an opprobrium to the
physician, it would be well to resort to an annual bleeding aagain,
unless the profession can be converted to the views set forth in my
book which proves that food is the chief cause of disease, and
restricts the quantity , as well as changes the quality , of the
patients food.
In what has been called "idiopathic anasarca" we have a neurosis , due
to what the ancient physicians called plethora, which was just too
much blood, and which venesecton removed.
Such anasarca is almost universal after middle life, and I have found
it in some quite young , proving that even the youngest may be injured
by the food they eat.
Such facts ought to encourage the study of dietetics which the General
Medical Council would do well to make a compulsory subject of
examination for every licence to practice medicine. -- I am, etc.,
Hawick June 7th, John Haddon, M.D.
Who loves ya.
Sir, Dr. Balms's communication in the Journal of June 5th, p. 970,
telling how he treats some cases of pneumonia, deserves to be
It was the late Professor John Jughes Bennet who first advocated the
expectant treatment of pneumonia, and his book on the subject was
translated into many languages.
I acted as his resident in the clinical wards of the Edinburgh Royal
Infirmary, and , by his directions, I occasionally bled patients.
Bennet would have bled the cases Dr. Balm describes , and if the idea
is original on his part , he deserves credit.
Talking about his letter with a medical friend , he told me that he
had a patient whose nose bled profusely; he failed to stop it, and the
late Dr. Joseph Bell was consulted he told my friend that his father
would , in such a case , have opened a vein, and that was what Dr.
Joseph Bell did.
He did not take more than two tablespoonsfuls of blood , and there was
no more bleeding from the nose.
Our grandfathers used to be bled every spring, and I have heard
Professor Bennet tell of the row of patients waiting to be bled.
Lanquid and lazy before being bled, they felt as if their youth were
renewed by the bleeding.
I heard Sir T. Clifford Allbutt tell of having had a patient suffering
from a pulse of very high tension, who was kept for a year by one
venesection; in these days of so-called sudden death from heart
failure or apoplexy , which I look upon as an opprobrium to the
physician, it would be well to resort to an annual bleeding aagain,
unless the profession can be converted to the views set forth in my
book which proves that food is the chief cause of disease, and
restricts the quantity , as well as changes the quality , of the
patients food.
In what has been called "idiopathic anasarca" we have a neurosis , due
to what the ancient physicians called plethora, which was just too
much blood, and which venesecton removed.
Such anasarca is almost universal after middle life, and I have found
it in some quite young , proving that even the youngest may be injured
by the food they eat.
Such facts ought to encourage the study of dietetics which the General
Medical Council would do well to make a compulsory subject of
examination for every licence to practice medicine. -- I am, etc.,
Hawick June 7th, John Haddon, M.D.
Who loves ya.
Acute Stroke Treatment
Efficacy of citicoline as an acute stroke treatment.
Expert Opin Pharmacother 2009 Apr; 10(5):839-46.
Clark WM
Citicoline (cytidine-5'-diphosphocholine or CDP-choline) is a
precursor essential for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine,
one of the cell membrane components that is degraded during
cerebral ischemia to free fatty acids and free radicals.
Animal studies suggest that citicoline may protect cell membranes
by accelerating resynthesis of phospholipids and suppressing the
release of free fatty acids, stabilizing cell membranes, and reducing
free radical generation.
Numerous experimental stroke studies with citicoline have shown
improved outcome and reduced infarct size in both ischemic and
hemorrhagic stroke models.
Citicoline has been studied worldwide in both ischemic and
clinical stroke with excellent safety and possibly efficacy found in
A meta-analysis of four randomized US clinical citicoline trials
that treatment with oral citicoline within the first 24 h after a
moderate to
severe stroke is safe and increases the probability of complete
at 3 months.
Citicoline clinical efficacy trials are now continuing outside of the
US in
both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.
A citicoline supplement is now available from several sources on the
Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy [Expert Opin Pharmacother]
"The mechanism may be that soybean lecithin lowers
the decrease of brain phospholipid content in brain ischemia"
Curative effect of soybean lecithin on cerebral infarction
Shi F, Zhou J, Meng D
Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2001 Nov 10; 81(21): 1301-3
To investigate the clinical curative effect of soybean lecithin on
cerebral infarction.
542 patients with cerebral infarction within 48 h after the onset
with the nervous fuction defect scores of 31-35 were divided into
3 groups: basic treatment group, 60 cases, with conventional
treatment; citicoline group, 122 patients, with conventional
treatment and citicoline; and soybean lecithin group, 360 patients,
with conventional treatment and soybean lecithin 10 g tid.
For all patients, treatment began sometime within 48 hours after
the onset.
The treatment course lasted 28 days.
When the course was over, the infarct volumes in basic group
citicoline group, and soybean lecithin group, were 7.6 cm3 +/- 2.9
7.3 cm3 +/- 3.1 cm3, and 6.4 cm3 +/- 2.7 cm3 respectively
(F = 7.371, P = 0.0007).
The basic group and citicoline group being compared with the soybean
group by Dunnett test, t = 4.387 and 3.969 respectively, P < 0.01.
The nervous function defect integral in the 3 groups decreased 14.2
10.93, 15.0 +/- 9.0, and 18.5 +/- 10.9 respectively.
Two-way analysis of variance of drug kind and beginning time of
showed the value of F in drugs as 6.250, P = 0.0021, and value of F in
as 0.9417, P = 0.4201. In the order of death,deterioration,
improvement, significant improvement, and recovery, the Ridit values
for the
comprehensive curative effect in the 3 groups were 0.4003, 0.4118,
0.54 5 respectively; chi2 = 27.89, P < 0.001.
Soybean lecithin is effective in treatment of acute cerebral
The mechanism may be that soybean lecithin lowers the decrease of
phospholipid content in brain ischemia.
Who loves ya.
Expert Opin Pharmacother 2009 Apr; 10(5):839-46.
Clark WM
Citicoline (cytidine-5'-diphosphocholine or CDP-choline) is a
precursor essential for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine,
one of the cell membrane components that is degraded during
cerebral ischemia to free fatty acids and free radicals.
Animal studies suggest that citicoline may protect cell membranes
by accelerating resynthesis of phospholipids and suppressing the
release of free fatty acids, stabilizing cell membranes, and reducing
free radical generation.
Numerous experimental stroke studies with citicoline have shown
improved outcome and reduced infarct size in both ischemic and
hemorrhagic stroke models.
Citicoline has been studied worldwide in both ischemic and
clinical stroke with excellent safety and possibly efficacy found in
A meta-analysis of four randomized US clinical citicoline trials
that treatment with oral citicoline within the first 24 h after a
moderate to
severe stroke is safe and increases the probability of complete
at 3 months.
Citicoline clinical efficacy trials are now continuing outside of the
US in
both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.
A citicoline supplement is now available from several sources on the
Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy [Expert Opin Pharmacother]
"The mechanism may be that soybean lecithin lowers
the decrease of brain phospholipid content in brain ischemia"
Curative effect of soybean lecithin on cerebral infarction
Shi F, Zhou J, Meng D
Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2001 Nov 10; 81(21): 1301-3
To investigate the clinical curative effect of soybean lecithin on
cerebral infarction.
542 patients with cerebral infarction within 48 h after the onset
with the nervous fuction defect scores of 31-35 were divided into
3 groups: basic treatment group, 60 cases, with conventional
treatment; citicoline group, 122 patients, with conventional
treatment and citicoline; and soybean lecithin group, 360 patients,
with conventional treatment and soybean lecithin 10 g tid.
For all patients, treatment began sometime within 48 hours after
the onset.
The treatment course lasted 28 days.
When the course was over, the infarct volumes in basic group
citicoline group, and soybean lecithin group, were 7.6 cm3 +/- 2.9
7.3 cm3 +/- 3.1 cm3, and 6.4 cm3 +/- 2.7 cm3 respectively
(F = 7.371, P = 0.0007).
The basic group and citicoline group being compared with the soybean
group by Dunnett test, t = 4.387 and 3.969 respectively, P < 0.01.
The nervous function defect integral in the 3 groups decreased 14.2
10.93, 15.0 +/- 9.0, and 18.5 +/- 10.9 respectively.
Two-way analysis of variance of drug kind and beginning time of
showed the value of F in drugs as 6.250, P = 0.0021, and value of F in
as 0.9417, P = 0.4201. In the order of death,deterioration,
improvement, significant improvement, and recovery, the Ridit values
for the
comprehensive curative effect in the 3 groups were 0.4003, 0.4118,
0.54 5 respectively; chi2 = 27.89, P < 0.001.
Soybean lecithin is effective in treatment of acute cerebral
The mechanism may be that soybean lecithin lowers the decrease of
phospholipid content in brain ischemia.
Who loves ya.
Low Vitamin A, C Intake Tied to Asthma Risk
THURSDAY, April 16 (HealthDay News) -- People who don't get enough of the antioxidant vitamins A and C in their diet may be at increased risk for asthma, British researchers say.
The pooled results of 40 studies conducted between 1980 and 2007 showed that people with asthma had a significantly lower dietary intake of vitamin A than those without the disease. The average intake among those with asthma was 182 micrograms a day, which is between a quarter and a third of recommended daily intake.
The review authors also found that people with severe asthma had a significantly lower intake of vitamin C (about half the recommended daily intake) than those with mild asthma. In addition, low circulating levels of vitamin C in the blood and lower dietary intake of foods containing vitamin C were associated with a 12 percent increased risk of asthma.
There was no association between vitamin E intake and asthma risk, but blood levels of vitamin E were much lower among people with severe asthma than in those with mild asthma. Those with severe asthma had an average vitamin E intake of 2 milligrams/day, which is 20 percent lower than the daily recommended amount, the review authors said.
These findings don't prove cause and effect, but they do challenge a study published last year that found no association between antioxidants and asthma risk, said Dr. Jo Leonardi-Bee, of the division of epidemiology and public health at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom, and colleagues.
"Overall, our findings from [the current] systematic review and meta-analysis indicate that low levels of vitamin C intake, and to a lesser extent vitamin A, are consistently associated with asthma risk to a degree that, if causal, would be sufficient to be clinically relevant," they concluded.
Their findings for an association between dietary antioxidants and wheezing were less consistent. The report was published in the current issue of Thorax.
More information
The U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has more about asthma.
-- Robert Preidt
SOURCE: BMJ Specialist Journals, news release, April 15, 2009
Last Updated: April 16, 2009
The pooled results of 40 studies conducted between 1980 and 2007 showed that people with asthma had a significantly lower dietary intake of vitamin A than those without the disease. The average intake among those with asthma was 182 micrograms a day, which is between a quarter and a third of recommended daily intake.
The review authors also found that people with severe asthma had a significantly lower intake of vitamin C (about half the recommended daily intake) than those with mild asthma. In addition, low circulating levels of vitamin C in the blood and lower dietary intake of foods containing vitamin C were associated with a 12 percent increased risk of asthma.
There was no association between vitamin E intake and asthma risk, but blood levels of vitamin E were much lower among people with severe asthma than in those with mild asthma. Those with severe asthma had an average vitamin E intake of 2 milligrams/day, which is 20 percent lower than the daily recommended amount, the review authors said.
These findings don't prove cause and effect, but they do challenge a study published last year that found no association between antioxidants and asthma risk, said Dr. Jo Leonardi-Bee, of the division of epidemiology and public health at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom, and colleagues.
"Overall, our findings from [the current] systematic review and meta-analysis indicate that low levels of vitamin C intake, and to a lesser extent vitamin A, are consistently associated with asthma risk to a degree that, if causal, would be sufficient to be clinically relevant," they concluded.
Their findings for an association between dietary antioxidants and wheezing were less consistent. The report was published in the current issue of Thorax.
More information
The U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has more about asthma.
-- Robert Preidt
SOURCE: BMJ Specialist Journals, news release, April 15, 2009
Last Updated: April 16, 2009
Pancreatic cancer therapy
Pancreatic cancer often goes undetected
Promising early results for a drug for pancreatic cancer have been reported by a team of UK and US scientists.
The drug, which targets a molecule called PKD involved in tumour growth, also seemed effective in animal tests on lung cancer, the researchers said.
The findings are especially encouraging because there are few treatments available and survival is poor.
Human trials should start within 18 months, the American Association for Cancer Research conference was told.
PKD is a family of molecules called kinases which provide a signalling function between the outside and inside of the cell.
Also involved in cell survival and the formation of new blood vessels, PKD was discovered to be potentially key target in tumours by UK researchers some years ago.
A team at Cancer Research Technology Ltd - a company owned by Cancer Research UK - then developed molecules which would inhibit the effects of PKD.
The latest results on the resulting drug, known as CRT0066101, show it inhibits the growth of pancreatic tumours in mice and works in lung cancer models.
It is thought that future studies may show the drug to be effective on a wider range of cancers.
Human trials should be starting after safety studies have been completed, they researchers said.
'Unmet need'
CRT's discovery laboratories director Dr Hamish Ryder said the team focused on pancreatic and lung cancer tumours because they are cancers with a "significant unmet medical need".
Dr Sushovan Guha, who leads the laboratory at MD Anderson Cancer Center and collaborated in the project, added he was optimistic about the drug's potential.
In addition to killing cancer cells, it is hoped the drug will stop tumours growing and spreading by blocking blood vessel growth.
"This would mean it offers a double action treatment but this needs to be proved through further work."
Sue Ballard, the founder of Pancreatic Cancer UK, said the disease caused 5% of cancer deaths but only received 1% of disease funding.
"There is a great lack of really effective treatments, surgery gives the best chance if done early but even in that situation it can recur or spread.
"This research is in the very early stages but anything that's starting to show promising results is vitally needed."
Promising early results for a drug for pancreatic cancer have been reported by a team of UK and US scientists.
The drug, which targets a molecule called PKD involved in tumour growth, also seemed effective in animal tests on lung cancer, the researchers said.
The findings are especially encouraging because there are few treatments available and survival is poor.
Human trials should start within 18 months, the American Association for Cancer Research conference was told.
PKD is a family of molecules called kinases which provide a signalling function between the outside and inside of the cell.
Also involved in cell survival and the formation of new blood vessels, PKD was discovered to be potentially key target in tumours by UK researchers some years ago.
A team at Cancer Research Technology Ltd - a company owned by Cancer Research UK - then developed molecules which would inhibit the effects of PKD.
The latest results on the resulting drug, known as CRT0066101, show it inhibits the growth of pancreatic tumours in mice and works in lung cancer models.
It is thought that future studies may show the drug to be effective on a wider range of cancers.
Human trials should be starting after safety studies have been completed, they researchers said.
'Unmet need'
CRT's discovery laboratories director Dr Hamish Ryder said the team focused on pancreatic and lung cancer tumours because they are cancers with a "significant unmet medical need".
Dr Sushovan Guha, who leads the laboratory at MD Anderson Cancer Center and collaborated in the project, added he was optimistic about the drug's potential.
In addition to killing cancer cells, it is hoped the drug will stop tumours growing and spreading by blocking blood vessel growth.
"This would mean it offers a double action treatment but this needs to be proved through further work."
Sue Ballard, the founder of Pancreatic Cancer UK, said the disease caused 5% of cancer deaths but only received 1% of disease funding.
"There is a great lack of really effective treatments, surgery gives the best chance if done early but even in that situation it can recur or spread.
"This research is in the very early stages but anything that's starting to show promising results is vitally needed."
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