Mohon baca baik-baik lalu terapkan dengan benar....
Sebuah filosofi mengatakan "Honesty is The Best Policy (Kejujuran adalah politik/strategi terbaik)" , inilah yang akan kita buktikan....apakah konsep kejujuran bisa kita olah menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang lebih hebat dari konsep rumit para expert webmaster atau pakar SEO..?...
Saya yakin bisa asal konsep ini di jalankan dengan benar...,bila ini di terapkan pada web anda sesuai ketentuan maka:
-Web anda akan kebanjiran traffic pengunjung secara luar biasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot memikirkan SEO atau capek-capek promosi keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
-Web anda akan kebanjiran backlink secara luarbiasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot berburu link keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
Jika Albert Einstein memakai persamaan e=mc2 untuk menggabungkan potensi masa dan kecepatan cahaya untuk menghasilkan energi nuklir yang luar biasa itu ,maka kita akan memakai persamaan t=v1+v2 untuk mnggabungkan potensi web saya dan web anda untuk menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang luar biasa pula.
Jika Einstein menggunakan atom plutonium dan uranium untuk membuat bom nuklir, maka kita menggunakan Kejujuran dan ketepatan untuk membuat bom traffic dan popularity ini.
Yang perlu anda lakukan adalah ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :
1.Buat posting artikel seperti posting saya ini, atau copy-paste posting ini dan juga diberi berjudul : t=v1+v2 ,Cara meningkatkan traffic dan popularity dengan cepat dan alami
2-Selanjutnya Copy atau buat KALIMAT SAKTI yang ada di bawah nomor 4 ini lalu pasang di web anda pada bagian yang paling mudah dilihat pengunjung, misalnya di bagian atas sidebar:
3-Pindahkan atau ganti link atau alamat url posting saya (disini-1) menggantikan alamat url rekan saya (disini-2).
-untuk mengetahui alamat url posting saya dan posting yang anda buat adalah bisa dengan meng-klik judul/title posting yang kita buat ini.
4-Lalu isi alamat url posting anda pada pada disini-1 tadi. Jadi anda melakukan publish (terbitkan) 2 kali, setelah posting ini selesai anda buat lalu di terbitkan, dan lalu anda klik pada title (judul) posting untuk mengambbil/meng-copy alamat url posting anda dari address bar browser anda, lalu anda edit lagi posting tadi dan masukan pada link disini-1 itu.
Berikut tulisan "KALIMAT SAKTI" yang perlu anda pasang di bagian web anda (setelah di ganti link url-nya sesuai ketentuan di atas)
"Ingin meningkatkan traffic pengunjung dan popularity web anda secara cepat dan tak terbatas...?...
Serahkan pada saya..., Saya akan melakukannya untuk anda GRATIS...!..Klik disini-1 dan disini-2"
-Jadi setelah KALIMAT SAKTI ini di letakan di web anda maka: jika pengunjung meg-klik link disini-1 akan menuju link posting anda, dan jika meng-klik disini-2 akan menuju link posting saya...dan seterusnya kan terus terjadi mata rantai yang tak terputus seperti itu...
5-Di bawah ini ada 2 link :link anda (link web saya sekarang) dan link saya (link web rekan saya sekarang) . Maka ganti (alamatnya) "link anda" dengan "link url web anda" dan "link saya dengan link url web saya" (link rekan saya di hapus).
link anda
link saya
5-Selesai, siapkan counter tracker dan pengecek link misalnya sitemeter dan technorati untuk melihat hasil banjir traffic dan linkback web anda.
Apa itu t=v1+t2...?
t : Jumlah traffic yang akan di peroleh web anda dalam suatu hari
v1 : Jumlah pengunjung web anda dalam suatu hari
v2: Jumlah pengunjung yang dimiliki v1 (pengunjung dari pengunjung web anda) dalam suatu hari.
Misalnya, web saya ini atau web anda dalam sehari memiliki rata-rata pengunjung 50 orang.., dan semuanya menerapkan konsep kita ini (KALIMAT SAKTI) dengan benar, dan dari 50 orang itu masing-masing memiliki 50 orang pula pengunjung dari blog-nya , maka web kita akan berpeluang di kunjungi 50 ditambah 50 x 50 orang pada hari itu = 2550 orang , dan akan berpeluang terus meningkat pula hari demi hari ,karena setiap hari selalu ada pengunjung baru di dunia internet, setiap hari juga ada blogger atau web baru di dunia internet...BUKTIKAN
Misalnya, web kita memiliki pengunjung 50 orang dalam suatu hari, dan semuannya menerapkan konsep ini , maka dalam hari itu web anda akan mendapatkan 100 linkback ke web anda, yaitu sebuah link pada KALIMAT SAKTI dan sebuah link pada link saya di kalikan 50. dan akan berpeluang meningkat terus hari demi hari....
Kenapa perlu di buat link link anda dan link saya pada posting...?
...hal ini untuk menjaga keabadian link kita, karena seperti kita tau link pada posting lebih kecil kemungkinannya terhapus....
Bisakah kita berbuat tidak fair atau tidak jujur menyabotase konsep ini, misalnya "menghilangkan semua link asal" lalu di isi dengan web/blog kita sendiri...? ....Bisa, dan konsep ini tidak akan menjadi maksimal untuk membuktikan Kejujuran adalah strategi/politik terbaik.....Tapi saya yakin bahwa kita semua tak ingin menjatuhkan kredibilitas diri sendiri dengan melakukan tindakan murahan seperti itu...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Staying focus on the online business is difficult. There times when your attention is diverted to other things and there times when you will feel like giving up. Especially when you are just starting out and not knowing where to start and how to start, staying focus is important so that you will not become overwhelmed with all the information you get from the internet. Here are 5 tips on how to stay FOCUS on making money online.
1. Find a purpose or reason for you to make money online and stay FOCUS on that purpose. It could be anything from buying a new car or going for a vacation in the Mediterranean islands. Although, for most of us the reason probably to get out of debt and to chase away the creditors, but think of what is the nicest thing you can do if you are successful on your money making business. Place that picture in your head. Or you can also get a picture of the new car or a yacht anchoring on the Mediterranean Sea with you on it. Having that in mind, stay FOCUS on how you are going to achieve that.
2. Invest in a proven system or blueprint and stay FOCUS on getting the benefit from the blueprint. When you are just starting out, you may not have a lot of money or knowledge to create your own product. The best thing is not to re-invent the wheel, so to speak. Let the invention be done by the expert, you can still benefit from it by becoming an affiliate and promoting the product. A good and proven system will come with a step-by-step training and enough promotional materials for the affiliates to use. By focusing on that step and getting the result will make you become successful and confident in yourselves. Until you know what work and what doesn't, it is best that you focus on the proven method.
3. Once you have chosen the system, FOCUS on how to work the system to your success. In the beginning you may be groping in the internet "darkness" and trying to grab hold of something that may help you get out of the darkness. Along the way, you may be bitten by an insect or graze your knees when you fall. For every stumble you will be nearer to get to the lighted area. This is a learning process for all of us. For a good and solid grip, it is best that you research around and get yourself a proven system. A system that has a coaching system that will enable you to realise your dreams sooner without trying to re-invent the wheel. Stay focus on learning the system step by step and doing the required actions for you to be successful in your quest for making money online.
4. Prepare a daily working Plan and stay FOCUS on that plan. If you don't prepare your task for each day, you will find your day is over without anything being accomplished. One way to do that is by preparing a timetable of your daily activities. The timetable is a guideline on how you want to spend your day accomplishing your business purpose. Your typical day may be like this: 8 am - 10 am = Finding a profitable blogs 10 am - 12 pm = Sending emails to the blog owners 12 pm - 2 pm = Take a break/go to lunch 2pm - 4 pm = Write 2 new articles and send them to ezines 5pm - 7 pm = Reply emails from prospects.
5. The MOST important of all, is to FOCUS on the motivation for making money online. Do NOT give up. Things will be rough at first, you'll get scammed often, your family may hate you for spending too many hours in front of the PC, and you may not get any revenue from your first program. But stay on course, be FOCUS on the dreams, you'll get wiser along the way and you will get there eventually. Once you get your first dollar, you will realize that you have made it and it will be an easier path from then on. Do NOT fall into the trap of getting rich overnight, it will not happen. Every success story has got their trials and tribulation.
So stay FOCUS and you will reap what you sow.
To your success
Normah Hassan
About the Author
Normah Hassan is a member of an exclusive club which provides step-by-step video tutorials to its members on making money online. If you are serious on making money online, join her at
1. Find a purpose or reason for you to make money online and stay FOCUS on that purpose. It could be anything from buying a new car or going for a vacation in the Mediterranean islands. Although, for most of us the reason probably to get out of debt and to chase away the creditors, but think of what is the nicest thing you can do if you are successful on your money making business. Place that picture in your head. Or you can also get a picture of the new car or a yacht anchoring on the Mediterranean Sea with you on it. Having that in mind, stay FOCUS on how you are going to achieve that.
2. Invest in a proven system or blueprint and stay FOCUS on getting the benefit from the blueprint. When you are just starting out, you may not have a lot of money or knowledge to create your own product. The best thing is not to re-invent the wheel, so to speak. Let the invention be done by the expert, you can still benefit from it by becoming an affiliate and promoting the product. A good and proven system will come with a step-by-step training and enough promotional materials for the affiliates to use. By focusing on that step and getting the result will make you become successful and confident in yourselves. Until you know what work and what doesn't, it is best that you focus on the proven method.
3. Once you have chosen the system, FOCUS on how to work the system to your success. In the beginning you may be groping in the internet "darkness" and trying to grab hold of something that may help you get out of the darkness. Along the way, you may be bitten by an insect or graze your knees when you fall. For every stumble you will be nearer to get to the lighted area. This is a learning process for all of us. For a good and solid grip, it is best that you research around and get yourself a proven system. A system that has a coaching system that will enable you to realise your dreams sooner without trying to re-invent the wheel. Stay focus on learning the system step by step and doing the required actions for you to be successful in your quest for making money online.
4. Prepare a daily working Plan and stay FOCUS on that plan. If you don't prepare your task for each day, you will find your day is over without anything being accomplished. One way to do that is by preparing a timetable of your daily activities. The timetable is a guideline on how you want to spend your day accomplishing your business purpose. Your typical day may be like this: 8 am - 10 am = Finding a profitable blogs 10 am - 12 pm = Sending emails to the blog owners 12 pm - 2 pm = Take a break/go to lunch 2pm - 4 pm = Write 2 new articles and send them to ezines 5pm - 7 pm = Reply emails from prospects.
5. The MOST important of all, is to FOCUS on the motivation for making money online. Do NOT give up. Things will be rough at first, you'll get scammed often, your family may hate you for spending too many hours in front of the PC, and you may not get any revenue from your first program. But stay on course, be FOCUS on the dreams, you'll get wiser along the way and you will get there eventually. Once you get your first dollar, you will realize that you have made it and it will be an easier path from then on. Do NOT fall into the trap of getting rich overnight, it will not happen. Every success story has got their trials and tribulation.
So stay FOCUS and you will reap what you sow.
To your success
Normah Hassan
About the Author
Normah Hassan is a member of an exclusive club which provides step-by-step video tutorials to its members on making money online. If you are serious on making money online, join her at
Wow! I Made a Fortune Working From Home by Reo Egan
Want to know what I learnt?
I learnt EXACTLY how to start from nothing and launch a successful online business in only a matter of days...
This is the real kicker...
I had no Product, no Website and no money, to get started and made $4,259 within 40 days.
It's true. This system has already helped me, without any "ninja skills" succeed and also a close friend of mine who was totally computer illiterate!
My friend was living in a trailer with 3 kids and her husband was getting laid off work, when she made $2077 in under 8 days.
What Exactly Is This System?
The Guru Assassin (TGA for short) is the most complete online business building system I have ever found.
And what's even more insane is that it works perfectly for advanced marketers as well as newbies. It actually Is step-by-step and as easy as copy/paste/drag/drop...
I have been watching a lot of these "make money" products lately and have heard and seen just about everything under the sun, and I was naturally skeptical.
The major reason why I have and you most likely too have failed to make a living on the internet is there is too much information and not enough hands on training, too many technical hurdles and all the people having "Success" seem to be the Gurus!
I can tell you that this little system overcomes all those problems like nothing you've ever seen before, I know this doesn't seem to be possible, but this is a genuine system that really works, a system that is helping real people succeed.
What makes TGA different than anything else out there? Easy... TGA is based around my needs and will be yours too. This system totally wiped out ALL "technical hurdles" I faced that might have held me back The system totally removes the "Geek Speak" and gets right to the heart of the matter...
It actually gave me the tools, training. And templates so my online success was no more difficult than copy/paste/drag/drop....
This system really works
I am not talking about another one of those great systems that was created for people who already have an existing business . TGA will work if you already have a Site?. 100%. Inside the system there is also a secret method for generating more traffic than any one can deal with. What I love most is that the majority of online marketers do not use it... they just don't have a clue, which makes this system unique!
This program does add up and it has really provided me with everything that I needed to make an absolute fortune on the Internet?
What I found is that TGA is so simple anyone can use it. Exact, step-by-step Blueprints Video Tutorials that reveal everything, Copy/Paste Simple Templates.
Copy/Paste Simple Traffic Tactics.Destroys Technical hurdles. With TGA you not only get all the tools and training you could ever need your hand is practically held throughout the entire process...
Nothing Like This Has Ever Existed Before...I only had to ask if I needed more information or tools and it was done, and the support and help is just great.
I was not happy with the money that I was making and took a look at what the other members were calling "BEST Training Anyone Has Ever Put Out There"
About the Author
I had to make a decision, Keep on blowing thousands in bad "Guru Products" or turn my life around. I decided to turn my life around with this system and now have a very successful Work From Home Online Business
You seriously owe it to yourself to see a program created by a person who actually cares about your success... I think you will find this very refreshing
I learnt EXACTLY how to start from nothing and launch a successful online business in only a matter of days...
This is the real kicker...
I had no Product, no Website and no money, to get started and made $4,259 within 40 days.
It's true. This system has already helped me, without any "ninja skills" succeed and also a close friend of mine who was totally computer illiterate!
My friend was living in a trailer with 3 kids and her husband was getting laid off work, when she made $2077 in under 8 days.
What Exactly Is This System?
The Guru Assassin (TGA for short) is the most complete online business building system I have ever found.
And what's even more insane is that it works perfectly for advanced marketers as well as newbies. It actually Is step-by-step and as easy as copy/paste/drag/drop...
I have been watching a lot of these "make money" products lately and have heard and seen just about everything under the sun, and I was naturally skeptical.
The major reason why I have and you most likely too have failed to make a living on the internet is there is too much information and not enough hands on training, too many technical hurdles and all the people having "Success" seem to be the Gurus!
I can tell you that this little system overcomes all those problems like nothing you've ever seen before, I know this doesn't seem to be possible, but this is a genuine system that really works, a system that is helping real people succeed.
What makes TGA different than anything else out there? Easy... TGA is based around my needs and will be yours too. This system totally wiped out ALL "technical hurdles" I faced that might have held me back The system totally removes the "Geek Speak" and gets right to the heart of the matter...
It actually gave me the tools, training. And templates so my online success was no more difficult than copy/paste/drag/drop....
This system really works
I am not talking about another one of those great systems that was created for people who already have an existing business . TGA will work if you already have a Site?. 100%. Inside the system there is also a secret method for generating more traffic than any one can deal with. What I love most is that the majority of online marketers do not use it... they just don't have a clue, which makes this system unique!
This program does add up and it has really provided me with everything that I needed to make an absolute fortune on the Internet?
What I found is that TGA is so simple anyone can use it. Exact, step-by-step Blueprints Video Tutorials that reveal everything, Copy/Paste Simple Templates.
Copy/Paste Simple Traffic Tactics.Destroys Technical hurdles. With TGA you not only get all the tools and training you could ever need your hand is practically held throughout the entire process...
Nothing Like This Has Ever Existed Before...I only had to ask if I needed more information or tools and it was done, and the support and help is just great.
I was not happy with the money that I was making and took a look at what the other members were calling "BEST Training Anyone Has Ever Put Out There"
About the Author
I had to make a decision, Keep on blowing thousands in bad "Guru Products" or turn my life around. I decided to turn my life around with this system and now have a very successful Work From Home Online Business
You seriously owe it to yourself to see a program created by a person who actually cares about your success... I think you will find this very refreshing
Don't Let Duplicate Content Penalties Hurt Your Online Business by Tiva Kelly
Quality content rules when it comes to writing to promote your affiliate marketing efforts. Numerous options abound for you to present useful content to your target audience. Options include varied and original web page content and article writing for article marketing campaigns.
You no doubt know that article marketing is an efficient and inexpensive method for getting your links across the web. Original articles that you regularly write are the best way to ensure that you are not a victim to duplicate content penalties. The same goes for 100 percent original web page content. In addition, relevant original content builds your credibility as an Internet marketer.
Just what is duplicate content? Duplicate content are significant blocks of content that are the same or very similar. These can be within a single domain. This means many pages within the same website have the same content. Some website owners do this so they receive a higher ranking by the search engines.
When someone enters a search phrase that matches this similar content, the website owner receives a high ranking. That's because they have many pages with the same text and keyword phrases. They are stuffing their pages to fool the search engines. They are not really offering useful fresh content on each of their web pages.
Significant blocks of the same or similar text can also be across many domains. These domains totally match each other in terms of content, or are very similar to one another. A person can have multiple websites with the same content to attract search engines. These sites are not different from one another in terms of content. Therefore, each one does not offer something new to web searchers. Again, an online marketer who does this is cheating the searcher and the search engine.
Why do the search engines frown upon duplicate content? They frown upon it because it goes against their desire for fresh content. Search engines depend on relevant, interesting, up-to-date content. They want this so they can pass it on to their users. Web searches don't want a search engine constantly pointing them to the same old tired content they pointed them to previously.
You, as a writer of content to promote your business, need quality ever-changing content. This is true of your web page content. It's also true of your article writing content as part of your article promotion campaign.
Consequently, you should focus on relevant content. You are part of a certain marketing niche. Make sure you keep that focus as you convey information to your audience. Write articles that do not stray off topic, as this is off-putting to your target market. They want answers to their needs and concerns and look for credible information providers. If they find your content is not relevant to their concerns they will look elsewhere.
On your web pages, make sure your content matches your site's theme. This will attract the attention of the search engines. Their desire is to present useful sites to their users. Don't be penalized with a non-listing by having content unrelated to your site's theme. It's annoying to the search engines and will certainly be annoying to your website visitors.
Another tactic you can employ is rewording the same basic content into different formats. You have basic information that pertains to your online business. It is imperative that you get this information across regularly to your niche. However, you do not have to present it the same way, in the same format.
The search engines will penalize you if you submit the same articles to the same directories. They will also penalize you if you have the same blocks of text on each page of your website. Your niche market will penalize you because you will bore them with cookie-cutter information.
Therefore, present basic information about your business in a special report. Write a podcast and offer it on your site. Write a video script and record a presentation. You can also write and record an audio web seminar. The search engines will notice the fresh and varied way you present content. You will have vibrant content that does not smack of duplication.
The above gives you an insight into duplicate content. You can see why the search engines penalize those who use it. They want to appear as credible providers of fresh information, just as you do.
Take the time to create useful original content for your niche market regularly. In this way, you attract a following that looks forward to your insightful current information. You also attract search engines that thirst for this type of quality content for their users. Don't let search engine referees blow the whistle on you for duplicate content. Show them you're in the game as a quality Internet marketer who always provides new content.
About the Author
Tiva Kelly is the Head of Article Coaching and offers advice to authors at Article Marketer, a highly popular article distribution service. Grab our free report about dupicate content here.
You no doubt know that article marketing is an efficient and inexpensive method for getting your links across the web. Original articles that you regularly write are the best way to ensure that you are not a victim to duplicate content penalties. The same goes for 100 percent original web page content. In addition, relevant original content builds your credibility as an Internet marketer.
Just what is duplicate content? Duplicate content are significant blocks of content that are the same or very similar. These can be within a single domain. This means many pages within the same website have the same content. Some website owners do this so they receive a higher ranking by the search engines.
When someone enters a search phrase that matches this similar content, the website owner receives a high ranking. That's because they have many pages with the same text and keyword phrases. They are stuffing their pages to fool the search engines. They are not really offering useful fresh content on each of their web pages.
Significant blocks of the same or similar text can also be across many domains. These domains totally match each other in terms of content, or are very similar to one another. A person can have multiple websites with the same content to attract search engines. These sites are not different from one another in terms of content. Therefore, each one does not offer something new to web searchers. Again, an online marketer who does this is cheating the searcher and the search engine.
Why do the search engines frown upon duplicate content? They frown upon it because it goes against their desire for fresh content. Search engines depend on relevant, interesting, up-to-date content. They want this so they can pass it on to their users. Web searches don't want a search engine constantly pointing them to the same old tired content they pointed them to previously.
You, as a writer of content to promote your business, need quality ever-changing content. This is true of your web page content. It's also true of your article writing content as part of your article promotion campaign.
Consequently, you should focus on relevant content. You are part of a certain marketing niche. Make sure you keep that focus as you convey information to your audience. Write articles that do not stray off topic, as this is off-putting to your target market. They want answers to their needs and concerns and look for credible information providers. If they find your content is not relevant to their concerns they will look elsewhere.
On your web pages, make sure your content matches your site's theme. This will attract the attention of the search engines. Their desire is to present useful sites to their users. Don't be penalized with a non-listing by having content unrelated to your site's theme. It's annoying to the search engines and will certainly be annoying to your website visitors.
Another tactic you can employ is rewording the same basic content into different formats. You have basic information that pertains to your online business. It is imperative that you get this information across regularly to your niche. However, you do not have to present it the same way, in the same format.
The search engines will penalize you if you submit the same articles to the same directories. They will also penalize you if you have the same blocks of text on each page of your website. Your niche market will penalize you because you will bore them with cookie-cutter information.
Therefore, present basic information about your business in a special report. Write a podcast and offer it on your site. Write a video script and record a presentation. You can also write and record an audio web seminar. The search engines will notice the fresh and varied way you present content. You will have vibrant content that does not smack of duplication.
The above gives you an insight into duplicate content. You can see why the search engines penalize those who use it. They want to appear as credible providers of fresh information, just as you do.
Take the time to create useful original content for your niche market regularly. In this way, you attract a following that looks forward to your insightful current information. You also attract search engines that thirst for this type of quality content for their users. Don't let search engine referees blow the whistle on you for duplicate content. Show them you're in the game as a quality Internet marketer who always provides new content.
About the Author
Tiva Kelly is the Head of Article Coaching and offers advice to authors at Article Marketer, a highly popular article distribution service. Grab our free report about dupicate content here.
Affiliate Marketing is Easy - With a Good Marketing Plan by Margaret Almeida
One of the most important things for success in affiliate marketing, or in any endeavor, is to have a good marketing plan in place to achieve your goals and dreams.
After reading the One Week Marketing Plan, I was quite impressed with the author Jennifer Ledbetter, aka Pot Pie Girl. She knew absolutely nothing about affiliate marketing when she decided to make money on-line. Her goals were to be a stay-at-home mom for her children, and make money on the internet. She had little or no computer skills, but did have determination and perseverance, through trial and error, along with 100's of sticky posts, learning what worked and what did not. The Ah-ha moment came with her first online sale. She went through all the sticky notes to see what steps she had taken to make that one sale, and repeated the steps, when a second on-line sale was made Because of her obvious success, she was urged by others to write the One Week Marketing Plan, in order to help other aspiring marketing affiliates. Pot Pie Girl is now a Super Affiliate. Read the b> One Week Marketing Plan and achieve the same success as Pot Pie Girl has!
In a conversation with Nick, who had been marketing for a while with no success, prior to meeting Pot Pie Girl. He was able to make 3 sales in one week by following her simple step-by-step plan.
You will learn the tasks to be taken, and achieved each day, including how to use the free methods available. Getting traffic to your affiliate programs, locate affiliate programs and how to promote them, is part of the One week Marketing Plan. An action plan which keeps you focused and motivated every day is also presented. She will teach you her secret techniques on how to get indexed on Google within hours with a high ranking and so much more.
Affiliate marketing is easy with a good marketing plan in place for you to follow..
About the Author
Learn how to earn money on-line. Download the first 18 pages for FREE of the One Week Marketing Plan.
Marge Almeida has retired from a career in real estate. She currently enjoys on-line Affiliate Marketing, the new career in which she has become actively and successfully involved!
After reading the One Week Marketing Plan, I was quite impressed with the author Jennifer Ledbetter, aka Pot Pie Girl. She knew absolutely nothing about affiliate marketing when she decided to make money on-line. Her goals were to be a stay-at-home mom for her children, and make money on the internet. She had little or no computer skills, but did have determination and perseverance, through trial and error, along with 100's of sticky posts, learning what worked and what did not. The Ah-ha moment came with her first online sale. She went through all the sticky notes to see what steps she had taken to make that one sale, and repeated the steps, when a second on-line sale was made Because of her obvious success, she was urged by others to write the One Week Marketing Plan, in order to help other aspiring marketing affiliates. Pot Pie Girl is now a Super Affiliate. Read the b> One Week Marketing Plan and achieve the same success as Pot Pie Girl has!
In a conversation with Nick, who had been marketing for a while with no success, prior to meeting Pot Pie Girl. He was able to make 3 sales in one week by following her simple step-by-step plan.
You will learn the tasks to be taken, and achieved each day, including how to use the free methods available. Getting traffic to your affiliate programs, locate affiliate programs and how to promote them, is part of the One week Marketing Plan. An action plan which keeps you focused and motivated every day is also presented. She will teach you her secret techniques on how to get indexed on Google within hours with a high ranking and so much more.
Affiliate marketing is easy with a good marketing plan in place for you to follow..
About the Author
Learn how to earn money on-line. Download the first 18 pages for FREE of the One Week Marketing Plan.
Marge Almeida has retired from a career in real estate. She currently enjoys on-line Affiliate Marketing, the new career in which she has become actively and successfully involved!
Make Money At Home by Chris Cameron
Make money at home has become a reality more so since the invention of the internet. People don't realize how much money gets circulated every day through the internet. The secret of course is to tap into or become part of this world. What really makes this world so sought after is the fact that a person can make money at home.
At some stage most people thought about or actually implemented the idea to make money at home especially when sitting in traffic or taking some flack from the boss at work or simply longing to spent time with family especially kids. The thought of waking up with no deadline to meet or no appointment to get to on time must bring calmness to any person.
To make money at home can take on a lot of forms from simply running some form of business like an accountancy practice from home or having your office at home from where you operate or even manufacturing some product which you sell. The problem with some of these home businesses sometimes is the fact that due to the business growing or expanding operating space becomes a problem therefore due to natural business expansion bigger premises needs to be acquired and the concept of working or making money from home falls flat.
The internet and especially affiliate marketing solves this problem in so far as the space needed to make money at home is limited to a tiny office or if that is not feasible a tiny desk and chair which can accommodate a computer. These days an internet connection does not even need a proper phone line and in fact an internet affiliate business can be run from a laptop computer. This flexibility gives working from home or making money from home an all new meaning. In fact if one really thinks about it to make money from home running an internet affiliate business a person does not even have to be at home. This type of business can operate while a person is waiting at the doctor's room or while watching the kids play sport for example but to be quite realistic this type of business does not even require such a hands on approach seeing that it normally runs on full auto pilot.
Make money at home has not become such a far fetched idea that it was maybe a couple of decades ago when the normal believe was to go out and get a good job where a person can work for most of your life making some other person rich. There is absolutely nothing wrong having a job but maybe to make money at home is every person's dream and really gives freedom and unleashes any person being tied up by some form of restriction being work schedules or reporting to a boss which takes most of the credit for work well done anyway.
(c) Make Easy Money Directory 2009
About the Author
Interested in the online money making industry. Writes articles and reviews on the subject and products.
At some stage most people thought about or actually implemented the idea to make money at home especially when sitting in traffic or taking some flack from the boss at work or simply longing to spent time with family especially kids. The thought of waking up with no deadline to meet or no appointment to get to on time must bring calmness to any person.
To make money at home can take on a lot of forms from simply running some form of business like an accountancy practice from home or having your office at home from where you operate or even manufacturing some product which you sell. The problem with some of these home businesses sometimes is the fact that due to the business growing or expanding operating space becomes a problem therefore due to natural business expansion bigger premises needs to be acquired and the concept of working or making money from home falls flat.
The internet and especially affiliate marketing solves this problem in so far as the space needed to make money at home is limited to a tiny office or if that is not feasible a tiny desk and chair which can accommodate a computer. These days an internet connection does not even need a proper phone line and in fact an internet affiliate business can be run from a laptop computer. This flexibility gives working from home or making money from home an all new meaning. In fact if one really thinks about it to make money from home running an internet affiliate business a person does not even have to be at home. This type of business can operate while a person is waiting at the doctor's room or while watching the kids play sport for example but to be quite realistic this type of business does not even require such a hands on approach seeing that it normally runs on full auto pilot.
Make money at home has not become such a far fetched idea that it was maybe a couple of decades ago when the normal believe was to go out and get a good job where a person can work for most of your life making some other person rich. There is absolutely nothing wrong having a job but maybe to make money at home is every person's dream and really gives freedom and unleashes any person being tied up by some form of restriction being work schedules or reporting to a boss which takes most of the credit for work well done anyway.
(c) Make Easy Money Directory 2009
About the Author
Interested in the online money making industry. Writes articles and reviews on the subject and products.
How To Make Easy Cash From The Comfort Of Your Own Home by George R.
Are you earning at least $20,000 a month? NO? WHY NOT?
See how a brand new marketing technique made these two college drop outs $141,591 in one MONTH! This is no joke, they have video proof of their earinings. And yes this is possible even the midst of this "recession"
I have come in contact with this program not too long ago and i tell you, its generating me awesome cash already. Why don't you check it out at no obligation, but iam sure you won't resist! Here is the link:
About the Author
Home based business entrepenuer. 25yr old but very passionate on what i do. Always trying to set new goals in my life. But overall, GOD is first in my life.
See how a brand new marketing technique made these two college drop outs $141,591 in one MONTH! This is no joke, they have video proof of their earinings. And yes this is possible even the midst of this "recession"
I have come in contact with this program not too long ago and i tell you, its generating me awesome cash already. Why don't you check it out at no obligation, but iam sure you won't resist! Here is the link:
About the Author
Home based business entrepenuer. 25yr old but very passionate on what i do. Always trying to set new goals in my life. But overall, GOD is first in my life.
Make Money Online: Top 3 Reasons Why You Will Make Money Giving Away Free Trials by Brad Mills
Did you know that you can make extra money online giving away free trial offers? Well, you can. There is no secret that people like trying new products for free.
What is the main reason people use the internet? Answer: to find answers. Think about that for a moment. This reason alone is why google is a super power. People are daily searching for answers to the problems they are facing whether it is making extra money online, solving acne, re-growning their hair, finding out how to build things, save money and join clubs.
Let me give you 3 great reasons why you should give away free offers
Top Reason #1: Easy entry points.
The great thing about free trials is that it makes an easy entry point for people. Here is what croses their mind: "What do I have to lose?" Sure I can get the benefit now and worry about paying for it later.
Top Reason #2: People love to try things for free
People love to try things out. They want to take it for a test drive and see how things go. If it can provide the answer to the problem that they have they will pay. Don't you love to try things for free?
Top Reason #3: People forget about the deadline.
So how do you make money? Well, when the free trial is over you share in the profits. It is affiliate marketing at its finest and with some programs you make a reocurring profit every month for as long as the person is a member. How about that for giving away a free trial!
Now, the trick to this whole system is knowing WHAT to promote, WHERE to promote, HOW to promote. Watch the step-by-step videos here for more info:
About the Author
Brad Mills is an Author and Online Marketer using creative strategies online.
What is the main reason people use the internet? Answer: to find answers. Think about that for a moment. This reason alone is why google is a super power. People are daily searching for answers to the problems they are facing whether it is making extra money online, solving acne, re-growning their hair, finding out how to build things, save money and join clubs.
Let me give you 3 great reasons why you should give away free offers
Top Reason #1: Easy entry points.
The great thing about free trials is that it makes an easy entry point for people. Here is what croses their mind: "What do I have to lose?" Sure I can get the benefit now and worry about paying for it later.
Top Reason #2: People love to try things for free
People love to try things out. They want to take it for a test drive and see how things go. If it can provide the answer to the problem that they have they will pay. Don't you love to try things for free?
Top Reason #3: People forget about the deadline.
So how do you make money? Well, when the free trial is over you share in the profits. It is affiliate marketing at its finest and with some programs you make a reocurring profit every month for as long as the person is a member. How about that for giving away a free trial!
Now, the trick to this whole system is knowing WHAT to promote, WHERE to promote, HOW to promote. Watch the step-by-step videos here for more info:
About the Author
Brad Mills is an Author and Online Marketer using creative strategies online.
Pay Per Click (PPC)
Pay Per Click (PPC) is an Internet advertising model used on search engines, advertising networks, and content sites, such as blogs, in which advertisers pay their host only when their ad is clicked. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system.
Websites that utilize PPC ads will display an advertisement when a keyword query matches an advertiser's keyword list, or when a content site displays relevant content. Such advertisements are called sponsored links or sponsored ads, and appear adjacent to or above organic results on search engine results pages, or anywhere a web developer chooses on a content site.
Although many PPC providers exist, Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, and Microsoft adCenter are the three largest network operators, and all three operate under a bid-based model. Cost per click (CPC), varies depending on the search engine and the level of competition for a particular keyword.
The PPC advertising model is open to abuse through click fraud, although Google and other search engines have implemented automated systems to guard against abusive clicks by competitors or corrupt web developers.
Determining Cost Per Click
There are two primary models for determining cost per click: flat-rate and bid-based. In both cases the advertiser must consider the potential value of a click from a given source. This value is based on the type of individual the advertiser is expecting to receive as a visitor to his or her website, and what the advertiser can gain from that visit, usually revenue, both in the short term as well as in the long term. As with other forms of advertising targeting is key, and factors that often play into PPC campaigns include the target's interest (often defined by a search term they have entered into a search engine, or the content of a page that they are browsing), intent (e.g. to purchase or not), location (for geo targeting), and the day and time that they are browsing.
Flat-Rate PPC
In the flat-rate model, the advertiser and publisher agree upon a fixed amount that will be paid for each click. In many cases the publisher has a rate card that lists the CPC within different areas of their website or network. These various amounts are often related to the content on pages, with content that generally attracts more valuable visitors having a higher CPC than content that attracts less valuable visitors. However, in many cases advertisers can negotiate lower rates, especially when commiting to a long-term or high-value contract.
The flat-rate model is particularly common to comparison shopping engines, which typically publish rate cards. However, these rates are sometimes minimums and advertisers can pay more for greater visibility. These sites are usually neatly compartmentalized into product or service categories, which allows for a high degree of targeting by advertisers. In many cases, the entire core content of these sites is paid ads.
Bid-Based PPC
In the bid-based model, the advertiser signs a contract that allows them to compete against other advertisers in a private auction hosted by a publisher or, more commonly, an advertising network. Each advertiser informs the host of the maximum amount that he or she is willing to pay for a given ad spot (often based on a keyword), usually using online tools to do so. The auction plays out in an automated fashion every time a visitor triggers the ad spot.
When the ad spot is part of a search engine results page (SERP), the automated auction takes place whenever a search for the keyword that is being bid upon occurs. All bids for the keyword that target the searcher's geo-location, the day and time of the search, etc. are then compared and the winner determined. In situations where there are multiple ad spots, a common occurance on SERPs, there can be multiple winners whose positions on the page are influenced by the amount each has bid. The ad with the highest bid generally shows up first, though additional factors such as ad quality and relevance can sometimes come into play.
In addition to ad spots on SERPs, the major advertising networks allow for contextual ads to be placed on the properties of 3rd-parties with whom they have partnered. These publishers sign up to host ads on behalf of the network. In return, they receive a portion of the ad revenue that the network generates, which can be anywhere from 50% to over 80% of the gross revenue paid by advertisers. These properties are often referred to as a content network and the ads on them as contextual ads due to the fact that the ad spots are associated with keywords based on the context of the page on which they are found. In general, ads on content networks have a much lower click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CR) than ads found on SERPs and consequently are less highly valued. Content network properties can include websites, newsletters, and e-mails.
Advertisers pay for each click they receive, with the actual amount paid based on the amount bid. It is common practice amongst auction hosts to charge a winning bidder just slightly more (e.g. one penny) than the next highest bidder or the actual amount bid, whichever is lower. This avoids situations where bidders are constantly adjusting their bids by very small amounts to see if they can still win the auction while paying just a little bit less per click.
To maximize success and achieve scale, automated bid management systems can be deployed. These systems can be used directly by the advertiser, though they are more commonly used by advertising agencies that offer PPC bid management as a service. These tools generally allow for bid management at scale, with thousands or even millions of PPC bids controlled by a highly automated system. The system generally sets each bid based on the goal that has been set for it, such as maximize profit, maximize traffic at breakeven, and so forth. The system is usually tied into the advertiser's website and fed the results of each click, which then allows it to set bids. The effectiveness of these systems is directly related to the quality and quantity of the performance data that it has to work with - low-traffic ads can lead to a scarcity of data problem that renders many bid management tools useless at worst, or inefficient at best.
In February 1998 Jeffrey Brewer of, a 25-employee startup company (later Overture, now part of Yahoo!), presented a pay per click search engine proof-of-concept to the TED conference in California. This presentation and the events that followed created the PPC advertising system. Credit for the concept of the PPC model is generally given to Idealab and founder, Bill Gross.
Google started search engine advertising in December 1999. It was not until October 2000 before the AdWords system was introduced, allowing advertisers to create text ads for placement on the Google search engine. However, PPC was only introduced in 2002; until then, advertisements were charged at cost-per-thousand impressions. Yahoo! advertisements have always been PPC-based since their introduction in 1998.
For a more in-depth presentation of PPC's history, see Fain and Pedersen (2006).
Websites that utilize PPC ads will display an advertisement when a keyword query matches an advertiser's keyword list, or when a content site displays relevant content. Such advertisements are called sponsored links or sponsored ads, and appear adjacent to or above organic results on search engine results pages, or anywhere a web developer chooses on a content site.
Although many PPC providers exist, Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, and Microsoft adCenter are the three largest network operators, and all three operate under a bid-based model. Cost per click (CPC), varies depending on the search engine and the level of competition for a particular keyword.
The PPC advertising model is open to abuse through click fraud, although Google and other search engines have implemented automated systems to guard against abusive clicks by competitors or corrupt web developers.
Determining Cost Per Click
There are two primary models for determining cost per click: flat-rate and bid-based. In both cases the advertiser must consider the potential value of a click from a given source. This value is based on the type of individual the advertiser is expecting to receive as a visitor to his or her website, and what the advertiser can gain from that visit, usually revenue, both in the short term as well as in the long term. As with other forms of advertising targeting is key, and factors that often play into PPC campaigns include the target's interest (often defined by a search term they have entered into a search engine, or the content of a page that they are browsing), intent (e.g. to purchase or not), location (for geo targeting), and the day and time that they are browsing.
Flat-Rate PPC
In the flat-rate model, the advertiser and publisher agree upon a fixed amount that will be paid for each click. In many cases the publisher has a rate card that lists the CPC within different areas of their website or network. These various amounts are often related to the content on pages, with content that generally attracts more valuable visitors having a higher CPC than content that attracts less valuable visitors. However, in many cases advertisers can negotiate lower rates, especially when commiting to a long-term or high-value contract.
The flat-rate model is particularly common to comparison shopping engines, which typically publish rate cards. However, these rates are sometimes minimums and advertisers can pay more for greater visibility. These sites are usually neatly compartmentalized into product or service categories, which allows for a high degree of targeting by advertisers. In many cases, the entire core content of these sites is paid ads.
Bid-Based PPC
In the bid-based model, the advertiser signs a contract that allows them to compete against other advertisers in a private auction hosted by a publisher or, more commonly, an advertising network. Each advertiser informs the host of the maximum amount that he or she is willing to pay for a given ad spot (often based on a keyword), usually using online tools to do so. The auction plays out in an automated fashion every time a visitor triggers the ad spot.
When the ad spot is part of a search engine results page (SERP), the automated auction takes place whenever a search for the keyword that is being bid upon occurs. All bids for the keyword that target the searcher's geo-location, the day and time of the search, etc. are then compared and the winner determined. In situations where there are multiple ad spots, a common occurance on SERPs, there can be multiple winners whose positions on the page are influenced by the amount each has bid. The ad with the highest bid generally shows up first, though additional factors such as ad quality and relevance can sometimes come into play.
In addition to ad spots on SERPs, the major advertising networks allow for contextual ads to be placed on the properties of 3rd-parties with whom they have partnered. These publishers sign up to host ads on behalf of the network. In return, they receive a portion of the ad revenue that the network generates, which can be anywhere from 50% to over 80% of the gross revenue paid by advertisers. These properties are often referred to as a content network and the ads on them as contextual ads due to the fact that the ad spots are associated with keywords based on the context of the page on which they are found. In general, ads on content networks have a much lower click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CR) than ads found on SERPs and consequently are less highly valued. Content network properties can include websites, newsletters, and e-mails.
Advertisers pay for each click they receive, with the actual amount paid based on the amount bid. It is common practice amongst auction hosts to charge a winning bidder just slightly more (e.g. one penny) than the next highest bidder or the actual amount bid, whichever is lower. This avoids situations where bidders are constantly adjusting their bids by very small amounts to see if they can still win the auction while paying just a little bit less per click.
To maximize success and achieve scale, automated bid management systems can be deployed. These systems can be used directly by the advertiser, though they are more commonly used by advertising agencies that offer PPC bid management as a service. These tools generally allow for bid management at scale, with thousands or even millions of PPC bids controlled by a highly automated system. The system generally sets each bid based on the goal that has been set for it, such as maximize profit, maximize traffic at breakeven, and so forth. The system is usually tied into the advertiser's website and fed the results of each click, which then allows it to set bids. The effectiveness of these systems is directly related to the quality and quantity of the performance data that it has to work with - low-traffic ads can lead to a scarcity of data problem that renders many bid management tools useless at worst, or inefficient at best.
In February 1998 Jeffrey Brewer of, a 25-employee startup company (later Overture, now part of Yahoo!), presented a pay per click search engine proof-of-concept to the TED conference in California. This presentation and the events that followed created the PPC advertising system. Credit for the concept of the PPC model is generally given to Idealab and founder, Bill Gross.
Google started search engine advertising in December 1999. It was not until October 2000 before the AdWords system was introduced, allowing advertisers to create text ads for placement on the Google search engine. However, PPC was only introduced in 2002; until then, advertisements were charged at cost-per-thousand impressions. Yahoo! advertisements have always been PPC-based since their introduction in 1998.
For a more in-depth presentation of PPC's history, see Fain and Pedersen (2006).
Article marketing
Article marketing is a type of advertising in which businesses write short articles related to their respective industry. These articles are made available for distribution and publication in the marketplace. Each article contains a bio box and byline that include references and contact information for the author's business. Well-written content articles released for free distribution have the potential of increasing the authoring business' credibility within its market as well as attracting new clients.
Article marketing has been used by professionals for nearly as long as mass print has been available. In paper-print form (as opposed to online forms), article marketing is utilized commonly by business owners as a means of obtaining free press space. A local business provides useful content to the newspaper free of charge, and in return the newspaper prints the business' contact information with the article. Because newspapers and other traditional media are expected to present content on limited budgets, this arrangement is generally advantageous for all parties involved.
For example, an accounting firm may market itself by writing an article entitled "The Top 10 Ways to Avoid Getting Audited" and offering it to the local newspapers several weeks prior to tax season. Similarly, a roofing company may offer radio stations a concise article entitled "How to Avoid Ice Damage to Your Roof this Winter" shortly before the winter season.
Online article marketing
With the rise of e-commerce and Internet marketing, article marketing has made a move to the online world as well. As in traditional forms of media, online article marketing has served the dual role of providing publishers with essentially free content, and advertisers with essentially free advertising.
The website where an author can post an article is known as an article directory. The primary reason an author can post an article without cost is that the directory owner places advertising on each article page and collects the revenue generated from the advertising. The article directory site gradually gains in search engine popularity as more articles are posted, which benefits both the author and the directory owner with increased article views.
However unlike the off-line version, there are additional dimensions to article marketing online. Most notable among the differences is the use of articles for search engine optimization. Articles are written to target particular keyword niches, and distributed to content publishers that cater to those markets. Authors are able to target their audience with informative content, sent to an already-interested group of readers.
Many online article marketers enjoy the low cost of this advertising venue, thus have written hundreds and some thousands of articles. One online article writer has written 12,900 articles.[citation needed] These prolific article authors also enjoy abundant backlinks (i.e., links pointing back to the business' website). When the articles are distributed via RSS, the exposure to the authoring business and number of backlinks is increased greatly.
Because of this, article marketing has been the victim of junk content over the past few years. It's important that article marketers be careful not to abuse the Internet and post dozens of useless content on the web just for promotional purposes; smart article marketers use scientifically proven techniques that dig deep into their own businesses and their readers' concerns and needs and tactfully persuades them to click through to their web sites.
Another article marketing option available is where the author can choose to take control of the advertising space on the page where his article is posted. With this option the author has the choice to either have no advertising to compete with the article, or to have control over the advertising on the page along with the revenue generated.
Web 2.0
Article marketing has become increasingly popular as a marketing method under the Web 2.0 generation of business on the Internet. Many subjects have gained popularity through viral propagation of articles via social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
The sudden popularity of article marketing has caused an overall reduction in quality in many subjects, mainly due to individuals writing low-quality articles as a quick way of achieving exposure. Efficient use of article marketing as a form of promotion requires invested effort in writing high-quality, relevant articles.
Article marketing and search engine optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) deals with the order in which webpages are ranked when keywords or phrases are typed into search engines. The higher a page is ranked, the more likely that page will draw a greater number of site visitors. For company websites, increased traffic often translates into increased sales, and article marketing has proven to be useful and effective for several leading Internet marketing ventures.
One method of SEO encompasses the idea that a website's rank in search engines will rise as it obtains more backlinks. Therefore, writing and distributing articles that contain a link to a business owner's website within the bio box should result in more links back to that website. Theoretically this process will increase that website's rank within search engines. This theory has led to a trend in online marketing toward writing articles solely for SEO purposes, and are commonly referred to as reprint articles. This trend has been matched by a wide selection of article marketing directory websites which accept, vet, and provide redistribution of such articles to online publishers.
The free distribution of articles has, however, led to a large amount of duplicated content appearing on websites across the Internet. The quality of articles can also suffer as some authors seek a large quantity of backlinks at the possible expense of content quality.
Recently there is a new breakthrough in the article marketing technique. This new breakthrough minimizes the possibility of duplicated content across internet. The technique involves proprietary algorithm based on article spinning method. Unique Article Wizard is an example of article distribution center that use this method. Using this technology, completely unique articles can be shown in many article directory, such as those shown in Gigantesque Articles Directory
Article marketing has been used by professionals for nearly as long as mass print has been available. In paper-print form (as opposed to online forms), article marketing is utilized commonly by business owners as a means of obtaining free press space. A local business provides useful content to the newspaper free of charge, and in return the newspaper prints the business' contact information with the article. Because newspapers and other traditional media are expected to present content on limited budgets, this arrangement is generally advantageous for all parties involved.
For example, an accounting firm may market itself by writing an article entitled "The Top 10 Ways to Avoid Getting Audited" and offering it to the local newspapers several weeks prior to tax season. Similarly, a roofing company may offer radio stations a concise article entitled "How to Avoid Ice Damage to Your Roof this Winter" shortly before the winter season.
Online article marketing
With the rise of e-commerce and Internet marketing, article marketing has made a move to the online world as well. As in traditional forms of media, online article marketing has served the dual role of providing publishers with essentially free content, and advertisers with essentially free advertising.
The website where an author can post an article is known as an article directory. The primary reason an author can post an article without cost is that the directory owner places advertising on each article page and collects the revenue generated from the advertising. The article directory site gradually gains in search engine popularity as more articles are posted, which benefits both the author and the directory owner with increased article views.
However unlike the off-line version, there are additional dimensions to article marketing online. Most notable among the differences is the use of articles for search engine optimization. Articles are written to target particular keyword niches, and distributed to content publishers that cater to those markets. Authors are able to target their audience with informative content, sent to an already-interested group of readers.
Many online article marketers enjoy the low cost of this advertising venue, thus have written hundreds and some thousands of articles. One online article writer has written 12,900 articles.[citation needed] These prolific article authors also enjoy abundant backlinks (i.e., links pointing back to the business' website). When the articles are distributed via RSS, the exposure to the authoring business and number of backlinks is increased greatly.
Because of this, article marketing has been the victim of junk content over the past few years. It's important that article marketers be careful not to abuse the Internet and post dozens of useless content on the web just for promotional purposes; smart article marketers use scientifically proven techniques that dig deep into their own businesses and their readers' concerns and needs and tactfully persuades them to click through to their web sites.
Another article marketing option available is where the author can choose to take control of the advertising space on the page where his article is posted. With this option the author has the choice to either have no advertising to compete with the article, or to have control over the advertising on the page along with the revenue generated.
Web 2.0
Article marketing has become increasingly popular as a marketing method under the Web 2.0 generation of business on the Internet. Many subjects have gained popularity through viral propagation of articles via social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
The sudden popularity of article marketing has caused an overall reduction in quality in many subjects, mainly due to individuals writing low-quality articles as a quick way of achieving exposure. Efficient use of article marketing as a form of promotion requires invested effort in writing high-quality, relevant articles.
Article marketing and search engine optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) deals with the order in which webpages are ranked when keywords or phrases are typed into search engines. The higher a page is ranked, the more likely that page will draw a greater number of site visitors. For company websites, increased traffic often translates into increased sales, and article marketing has proven to be useful and effective for several leading Internet marketing ventures.
One method of SEO encompasses the idea that a website's rank in search engines will rise as it obtains more backlinks. Therefore, writing and distributing articles that contain a link to a business owner's website within the bio box should result in more links back to that website. Theoretically this process will increase that website's rank within search engines. This theory has led to a trend in online marketing toward writing articles solely for SEO purposes, and are commonly referred to as reprint articles. This trend has been matched by a wide selection of article marketing directory websites which accept, vet, and provide redistribution of such articles to online publishers.
The free distribution of articles has, however, led to a large amount of duplicated content appearing on websites across the Internet. The quality of articles can also suffer as some authors seek a large quantity of backlinks at the possible expense of content quality.
Recently there is a new breakthrough in the article marketing technique. This new breakthrough minimizes the possibility of duplicated content across internet. The technique involves proprietary algorithm based on article spinning method. Unique Article Wizard is an example of article distribution center that use this method. Using this technology, completely unique articles can be shown in many article directory, such as those shown in Gigantesque Articles Directory
Internet Marketing
Internet marketing, also referred to as i-marketing, web marketing, online marketing, or eMarketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet.
The Internet has brought many unique benefits to marketing, one of which being lower costs for the distribution of information and media to a global audience. The interactive nature of Internet marketing, both in terms of providing instant response and eliciting responses, is a unique quality of the medium. Internet marketing is sometimes considered to have a broader scope because it not only refers to digital media such as the Internet, e-mail, and wireless media; however, Internet marketing also includes management of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems.
Internet marketing ties together creative and technical aspects of the Internet, including design, development, advertising, and sale.
Internet marketing also refers to the placement of media along different stages of the customer engagement cycle through search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), banner ads on specific websites, e-mail marketing, and Web 2.0 strategies. In 2008 The New York Times working with comScore published an initial estimate to quantify the user data collected by large Internet-based companies. Counting four types of interactions with company websites in addition to the hits from advertisements served from advertising networks, the authors found the potential for collecting data upward of 2,500 times on average per user per month.
Business models
Internet marketing is associated with several business models:
* e-commerce — goods are sold directly to consumers (B2C) or businesses (B2B),
* publishing — the sale of advertising,
* lead-based websites — an organization generates value by acquiring sales leads from its website, and
* affiliate marketing — A process in which a product or service developed by one person is sold by other active seller for a share of profits. The owner of the product normally provide some marketing material ( sales letter, affiliate link, tracking facility).
There are many other business models based on the specific needs of each person or business that launches an Internet marketing campaign.
One-to-one approach
The targeted user is typically browsing the Internet alone, so the marketing messages can reach them personally. This approach is used in search marketing, where the advertisements are based on search engine keywords entered by the user.
And now with the advent of Web 2.0 tools, many users can interconnect as "peers"
Appeal to specific interests
Internet marketing and geo marketing places an emphasis on marketing that appeals to a specific behaviour or interest, rather than reaching out to a broadly-defined demographic. "On- and Off-line" marketers typically segment their markets according to age group, gender, geography, and other general factors. Marketers have the luxury of targeting by activity and geolocation. For example, a kayak company can post advertisements on kayaking and canoing websites with the full knowledge that the audience has a related interest.
Internet marketing differs from magazine advertisements, where the goal is to appeal to the projected demographic of the periodical. Because the advertiser has knowledge of the target audience—people who engage in certain activities (e.g., uploading pictures, contributing to blogs)— the company does not rely on the expectation that a certain group of people will be interested in its new product or service.
Geo targeting
Geo targeting (in internet marketing) and geo marketing are the methods of determining the geolocation (the physical location) of a website visitor with geolocation software, and delivering different content to that visitor based on his or her location, such as country, region/state, city, metro code/zip code, organization, Internet Protocol (IP) address, ISP or other criteria.
Different content by choice
A typical example for different content by choice in geo targeting is the FedEx website at where users have the choice to select their country location first and are then presented with different site or article content depending on their selection.
Automated different content
With automated different content in internet marketing and geomarketing the delivery of different content based on the geographical geolocation and other personal information is automated.
Internet marketing is relatively inexpensive when compared to the ratio of cost against the reach of the target audience. Companies can reach a wide audience for a small fraction of traditional advertising budgets. The nature of the medium allows consumers to research and purchase products and services at their own convenience. Therefore, businesses have the advantage of appealing to consumers in a medium that can bring results quickly. The strategy and overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns depend on business goals and cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis.
Internet marketers also have the advantage of measuring statistics easily and inexpensively. Nearly all aspects of an Internet marketing campaign can be traced, measured, and tested. The advertisers can use a variety of methods: pay per impression, pay per click, pay per play, or pay per action. Therefore, marketers can determine which messages or offerings are more appealing to the audience. The results of campaigns can be measured and tracked immediately because online marketing initiatives usually require users to click on an advertisement, visit a website, and perform a targeted action. Such measurement cannot be achieved through billboard advertising, where an individual will at best be interested, then decide to obtain more information at a later time.
Internet marketing as of 2007 is growing faster than other types of media.[citation needed] Because exposure, response, and overall efficiency of Internet media are easier to track than traditional off-line media—through the use of web analytics for instance—Internet marketing can offer a greater sense of accountability for advertisers. Marketers and their clients are becoming aware of the need to measure the collaborative effects of marketing (i.e., how the Internet affects in-store sales) rather than siloing each advertising medium. The effects of multichannel marketing can be difficult to determine, but are an important part of ascertaining the value of media campaigns.
Internet marketing requires customers to use newer technologies rather than traditional media. Low-speed Internet connections are another barrier: If companies build large or overly-complicated websites, individuals connected to the Internet via dial-up connections or mobile devices experience significant delays in content delivery.
From the buyer's perspective, the inability of shoppers to touch, smell, taste or "try on" tangible goods before making an online purchase can be limiting. However, there is an industry standard for e-commerce vendors to reassure customers by having liberal return policies as well as providing in-store pick-up services.
A survey of 410 marketing executives listed the following barriers to entry for large companies looking to market online: insufficient ability to measure impact, lack of internal capability, and difficulty convincing senior management.
Security concerns
Information security is important both to companies and consumers that participate in online business. Many consumers are hesitant to purchase items over the Internet because they do not trust that their personal information will remain private. Encryption is the primary method for implementing privacy policies.
Recently some companies that do business online have been caught giving away or selling information about their customers. Several of these companies provide guarantees on their websites, claiming that customer information will remain private. Some companies that purchase customer information offer the option for individuals to have their information removed from the database, also known as opting out. However, many customers are unaware if and when their information is being shared, and are unable to stop the transfer of their information between companies if such activity occurs.
Another major security concern that consumers have with e-commerce merchants is whether or not they will receive exactly what they purchase. Online merchants have attempted to address this concern by investing in and building strong consumer brands (e.g.,, eBay,, and by leveraging merchant/feedback rating systems and e-commerce bonding solutions. All of these solutions attempt to assure consumers that their transactions will be free of problems because the merchants can be trusted to provide reliable products and services. Additionally, the major online payment mechanisms (credit cards, PayPal, Google Checkout, etc.) have also provided back-end buyer protection systems to address problems if they actually do occur.
Broadband-induced trends
Online advertising techniques have been dramatically affected by technological advancements in the telecommunications industry. In fact, many firms are embracing a new paradigm that is shifting the focus of online advertising from simple text ads to rich multimedia experiences. As a result, advertisers can more effectively engage in and manage online branding campaigns, which seek to shape consumer attitudes and feelings towards specific products. And just what is the critical technological development that is fueling this paradigm shift? The answer: Broadband.
In March 2005, roughly half of all American homes were equipped with broadband technology. By May 2008, broadband technologies had spread to more than 90% of all residential Internet connections in the United States. When one considers a Nielsen’s study conducted in June 2008, which estimated the number of U.S. Internet users as 220,141,969, one can calculate that there are presently about 199 million people in the United States utilizing broadband technologies to surf the Web.
As a result, all 199 million members of this burgeoning market have the ability to view TV-like advertisements with the click of a mouse. And to be sure, online advertisers are working feverishly to design rich multimedia content that will engender a “warm-fuzzy” feeling when viewed by their target audience. As connection speeds continue to increase, so will the frequency of online branding campaigns.
Effects on industries
Internet marketing has had a large impact on several previously retail-oriented industries including music, film, pharmaceuticals, banking, flea markets, as well as the advertising industry itself. Internet marketing is now overtaking radio marketing in terms of market share. In the music industry, many consumers have been purchasing and downloading music (e.g., MP3 files) over the Internet for several years in addition to purchasing compact discs. By 2008 Apple Inc.'s iTunes Store has become the largest music vendor in the United States.
The number of banks offering the ability to perform banking tasks online has also increased. Online banking is believed to appeal to customers because it is more convenient than visiting bank branches. Currently over 150 million U.S. adults now bank online, with increasing Internet connection speed being the primary reason for fast growth in the online banking industry.[citation needed] Of those individuals who use the Internet, 44 percent now perform banking activities over the Internet.
Internet auctions have gained popularity. Unique items that could only previously be found at flea markets are being sold on eBay. Specialized e-stores sell items ranging from antiques to movie props. As the premier online reselling platform, eBay is often used as a price-basis for specialized items. Buyers and sellers often look at prices on the website before going to flea markets; the price shown on eBay often becomes the item's selling price. It is increasingly common for flea market vendors to place a targeted advertisement on the Internet for each item they are selling online, all while running their business out of their homes.
The effect on the advertising industry itself has been profound. In just a few years, online advertising has grown to be worth tens of billions of dollars annually. PricewaterhouseCoopers reported that US$16.9 billion was spent on Internet marketing in the U.S. in 2006.
Internet marketing has had a growing impact on the electoral process. In 2008 candidates for President heavily utilized Internet marketing strategies to reach constituents. During the 2007 primaries candidates added on averaged over 500 social network supporters per day to help spread their message. President Barack Obama raised over US$1 million in a single day during his extensive Democratic candidacy campaign, largely due to online donors.
The Internet has brought many unique benefits to marketing, one of which being lower costs for the distribution of information and media to a global audience. The interactive nature of Internet marketing, both in terms of providing instant response and eliciting responses, is a unique quality of the medium. Internet marketing is sometimes considered to have a broader scope because it not only refers to digital media such as the Internet, e-mail, and wireless media; however, Internet marketing also includes management of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems.
Internet marketing ties together creative and technical aspects of the Internet, including design, development, advertising, and sale.
Internet marketing also refers to the placement of media along different stages of the customer engagement cycle through search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), banner ads on specific websites, e-mail marketing, and Web 2.0 strategies. In 2008 The New York Times working with comScore published an initial estimate to quantify the user data collected by large Internet-based companies. Counting four types of interactions with company websites in addition to the hits from advertisements served from advertising networks, the authors found the potential for collecting data upward of 2,500 times on average per user per month.
Business models
Internet marketing is associated with several business models:
* e-commerce — goods are sold directly to consumers (B2C) or businesses (B2B),
* publishing — the sale of advertising,
* lead-based websites — an organization generates value by acquiring sales leads from its website, and
* affiliate marketing — A process in which a product or service developed by one person is sold by other active seller for a share of profits. The owner of the product normally provide some marketing material ( sales letter, affiliate link, tracking facility).
There are many other business models based on the specific needs of each person or business that launches an Internet marketing campaign.
One-to-one approach
The targeted user is typically browsing the Internet alone, so the marketing messages can reach them personally. This approach is used in search marketing, where the advertisements are based on search engine keywords entered by the user.
And now with the advent of Web 2.0 tools, many users can interconnect as "peers"
Appeal to specific interests
Internet marketing and geo marketing places an emphasis on marketing that appeals to a specific behaviour or interest, rather than reaching out to a broadly-defined demographic. "On- and Off-line" marketers typically segment their markets according to age group, gender, geography, and other general factors. Marketers have the luxury of targeting by activity and geolocation. For example, a kayak company can post advertisements on kayaking and canoing websites with the full knowledge that the audience has a related interest.
Internet marketing differs from magazine advertisements, where the goal is to appeal to the projected demographic of the periodical. Because the advertiser has knowledge of the target audience—people who engage in certain activities (e.g., uploading pictures, contributing to blogs)— the company does not rely on the expectation that a certain group of people will be interested in its new product or service.
Geo targeting
Geo targeting (in internet marketing) and geo marketing are the methods of determining the geolocation (the physical location) of a website visitor with geolocation software, and delivering different content to that visitor based on his or her location, such as country, region/state, city, metro code/zip code, organization, Internet Protocol (IP) address, ISP or other criteria.
Different content by choice
A typical example for different content by choice in geo targeting is the FedEx website at where users have the choice to select their country location first and are then presented with different site or article content depending on their selection.
Automated different content
With automated different content in internet marketing and geomarketing the delivery of different content based on the geographical geolocation and other personal information is automated.
Internet marketing is relatively inexpensive when compared to the ratio of cost against the reach of the target audience. Companies can reach a wide audience for a small fraction of traditional advertising budgets. The nature of the medium allows consumers to research and purchase products and services at their own convenience. Therefore, businesses have the advantage of appealing to consumers in a medium that can bring results quickly. The strategy and overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns depend on business goals and cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis.
Internet marketers also have the advantage of measuring statistics easily and inexpensively. Nearly all aspects of an Internet marketing campaign can be traced, measured, and tested. The advertisers can use a variety of methods: pay per impression, pay per click, pay per play, or pay per action. Therefore, marketers can determine which messages or offerings are more appealing to the audience. The results of campaigns can be measured and tracked immediately because online marketing initiatives usually require users to click on an advertisement, visit a website, and perform a targeted action. Such measurement cannot be achieved through billboard advertising, where an individual will at best be interested, then decide to obtain more information at a later time.
Internet marketing as of 2007 is growing faster than other types of media.[citation needed] Because exposure, response, and overall efficiency of Internet media are easier to track than traditional off-line media—through the use of web analytics for instance—Internet marketing can offer a greater sense of accountability for advertisers. Marketers and their clients are becoming aware of the need to measure the collaborative effects of marketing (i.e., how the Internet affects in-store sales) rather than siloing each advertising medium. The effects of multichannel marketing can be difficult to determine, but are an important part of ascertaining the value of media campaigns.
Internet marketing requires customers to use newer technologies rather than traditional media. Low-speed Internet connections are another barrier: If companies build large or overly-complicated websites, individuals connected to the Internet via dial-up connections or mobile devices experience significant delays in content delivery.
From the buyer's perspective, the inability of shoppers to touch, smell, taste or "try on" tangible goods before making an online purchase can be limiting. However, there is an industry standard for e-commerce vendors to reassure customers by having liberal return policies as well as providing in-store pick-up services.
A survey of 410 marketing executives listed the following barriers to entry for large companies looking to market online: insufficient ability to measure impact, lack of internal capability, and difficulty convincing senior management.
Security concerns
Information security is important both to companies and consumers that participate in online business. Many consumers are hesitant to purchase items over the Internet because they do not trust that their personal information will remain private. Encryption is the primary method for implementing privacy policies.
Recently some companies that do business online have been caught giving away or selling information about their customers. Several of these companies provide guarantees on their websites, claiming that customer information will remain private. Some companies that purchase customer information offer the option for individuals to have their information removed from the database, also known as opting out. However, many customers are unaware if and when their information is being shared, and are unable to stop the transfer of their information between companies if such activity occurs.
Another major security concern that consumers have with e-commerce merchants is whether or not they will receive exactly what they purchase. Online merchants have attempted to address this concern by investing in and building strong consumer brands (e.g.,, eBay,, and by leveraging merchant/feedback rating systems and e-commerce bonding solutions. All of these solutions attempt to assure consumers that their transactions will be free of problems because the merchants can be trusted to provide reliable products and services. Additionally, the major online payment mechanisms (credit cards, PayPal, Google Checkout, etc.) have also provided back-end buyer protection systems to address problems if they actually do occur.
Broadband-induced trends
Online advertising techniques have been dramatically affected by technological advancements in the telecommunications industry. In fact, many firms are embracing a new paradigm that is shifting the focus of online advertising from simple text ads to rich multimedia experiences. As a result, advertisers can more effectively engage in and manage online branding campaigns, which seek to shape consumer attitudes and feelings towards specific products. And just what is the critical technological development that is fueling this paradigm shift? The answer: Broadband.
In March 2005, roughly half of all American homes were equipped with broadband technology. By May 2008, broadband technologies had spread to more than 90% of all residential Internet connections in the United States. When one considers a Nielsen’s study conducted in June 2008, which estimated the number of U.S. Internet users as 220,141,969, one can calculate that there are presently about 199 million people in the United States utilizing broadband technologies to surf the Web.
As a result, all 199 million members of this burgeoning market have the ability to view TV-like advertisements with the click of a mouse. And to be sure, online advertisers are working feverishly to design rich multimedia content that will engender a “warm-fuzzy” feeling when viewed by their target audience. As connection speeds continue to increase, so will the frequency of online branding campaigns.
Effects on industries
Internet marketing has had a large impact on several previously retail-oriented industries including music, film, pharmaceuticals, banking, flea markets, as well as the advertising industry itself. Internet marketing is now overtaking radio marketing in terms of market share. In the music industry, many consumers have been purchasing and downloading music (e.g., MP3 files) over the Internet for several years in addition to purchasing compact discs. By 2008 Apple Inc.'s iTunes Store has become the largest music vendor in the United States.
The number of banks offering the ability to perform banking tasks online has also increased. Online banking is believed to appeal to customers because it is more convenient than visiting bank branches. Currently over 150 million U.S. adults now bank online, with increasing Internet connection speed being the primary reason for fast growth in the online banking industry.[citation needed] Of those individuals who use the Internet, 44 percent now perform banking activities over the Internet.
Internet auctions have gained popularity. Unique items that could only previously be found at flea markets are being sold on eBay. Specialized e-stores sell items ranging from antiques to movie props. As the premier online reselling platform, eBay is often used as a price-basis for specialized items. Buyers and sellers often look at prices on the website before going to flea markets; the price shown on eBay often becomes the item's selling price. It is increasingly common for flea market vendors to place a targeted advertisement on the Internet for each item they are selling online, all while running their business out of their homes.
The effect on the advertising industry itself has been profound. In just a few years, online advertising has grown to be worth tens of billions of dollars annually. PricewaterhouseCoopers reported that US$16.9 billion was spent on Internet marketing in the U.S. in 2006.
Internet marketing has had a growing impact on the electoral process. In 2008 candidates for President heavily utilized Internet marketing strategies to reach constituents. During the 2007 primaries candidates added on averaged over 500 social network supporters per day to help spread their message. President Barack Obama raised over US$1 million in a single day during his extensive Democratic candidacy campaign, largely due to online donors.
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